Chapter 7- Confused

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I locked our bedroom knowing I probably get in trouble but It made me feel safe with the lock. I turn my attention to Eli you was exicited because Ash had Mouse tales by Arnold lobel, which happen to be one of Eli's favorite bedtime stories.

"Papa, We are all in bed now....." I began to read but was cut of by I loud scream rang though the air like a siren. Eli jump to my lap the book fell of the bed as i quickly cover Eli ears. "Mama what's that scream?" He cried. " shh! Baby it's okay your safe" I said with tears in my eyes I looked at a bookshelf and notice an old Walkmen I took Eli off my lap and grab it 'chicken soup for the soul' was the name on the tape that was in it. I put it as loud as it would go and put it on Eli.

I heard screams, begging and the silence. It was the silence that scared me the most. I looked at the window after I got Eli calm down I saw jack with a body body in his arms look to be a 18-19 year old boy. Even from I distance I knew he was died. Then the begging started 

"please dont kill please I can give you money please" cried a female voice
"Your fucking insane you fucking psychos" yelled a male.
"Now that's enough of that language we wouldn't want my daughter and grandson to hear that. Boys hurry the kill that heffer!"
That's all I heard.. their killing people treating like cattle what the hell...

It seemed like forever until there have aloud bang on the door. I went to it not opening it, i was to worried of who could be on the other side. "Bella open the door" order Ash I quickly unlock it and tears start to flow like a river.

I pretty much launched myself ash he held me tight as Xav passed us and went to Eli.
"Hey little man, what you doing?" Xav asked I loosened my grip on ash then pulled away only to see him and xav as well as myself now cover in a thick, red, goo. "Blood" I whispered. Ash looked at me with sad eyes.

"Sorry babe I wrecked your clothes" he said then giving me a kiss I didn't respond which made him slap my ass I yelped then kissed him back. "Why do you was blood on you? Why were there screams" Eli ask xav.

"There you 3 people on our property that could've hurt you, your mom and the rest of our family so we had to kill them to keep you safe. The outside world isnt safe that's why we are happy you and your mom found us so me could save you" answered xav. I stood there in shock and disbelief.
"But I can take care of mommy I'm the man of the house" eli said with a pout making about xav and ash laugh.

"You were little man but now you have me and Papa Ash to protect you and mommy." Xav said eli look like he was thinking really hard about something.
"I wanna help you keep mama safe, can I help please dad I'm strong.. see.." he flexed his muscles, I was mortified at his words. He cant be wondering correctly.. he is only 5 there no way my baby just asked to help murder people.

"Of course you can help. How about you go help miles clean up the blood in the kitchen the heffer made a huge mess" xav finish then eli was excited and ran out the door people I could say anything to stop him.
"Your fucking kidding me right you did not just send my son to clean up blood of the people you just fucking murdered" I scream at the 2 men I try to go after Eli but ash caught me gripping my arm hard. He growled at me like a damn dog.

"What did we say about respecting us? Did you not learn you lesson before? And there will be no swearing in this house." Xav said clenching his jaw.
"Eli is our son" ash added it anger

"you do you expect me to be calm you want to turn Eli into a psycho killer." I yell making xav pull me by my hair. "We are not trying to make Eli a killer, We are teaching him to protect his family and if that means killing people that come on our land then so what. You more than anyone understand how dangerous the world is. You killed 2 people protecting Eli and miles, You haven't even asked what happen to the mans body. You just care but Keeping everyone safe right?" said xav while he let go of my hair and looked me in the eyes with a gentleness I never seen from him before. 

I thought about his words, he was right I didn't care about the man's body that tried to kill miles and I definitely didn't care about dean. They killed those people to protect the family, just like I did and here I am yelling at them. Tears ran down my face as I realized how much of a bitch I been to these guys. 

"I'm sorry. I just not used to this, even though I didn't intend to kill those men I still did. It was just a shock to me how you guy went out looking for them to kill them" I said softly. "if we didn't get them first they would of got us, We kill them before they get a chance.' said ash interrupting me he came closer behind me holding me around my waist. "I know that now, I'm sorry. but I'm still worried about the police I mean if you kill before that come on the farm what happens to the body aren't you worried they will get found the police are not understanding." I asked actually worried. 

"Don't worry about that babe. You only need to take care of the house and Eli okay" said xav hugging me from the front while Ash was still hugging me from behind. "we aren't going to punish you this time because I know its a lot to digest" Xav said kissing me I nodded and said thank you. Part of me is actually surprised that I accepting this and saying thank you for not being punished, maybe I am just as insane as they are?

"We love you and will protect you and Eli" said ash then slap my butt lightly which means they want me to repeat it. "You both love me and will protect Eli and I" I said with a softed smile. "good girl. now lets get cleaned up" said xav. Ash quickly kissed me then went to the bathroom with Xav. I stripped out of my clothes to change. 

Butterflies danced in my stomach when xav called me a good girl. They will protect us and love Eli and I, I mean how many guys are willing to adopt a son they just met. Even though we are protected and loved here, can I really handle everyone around me being a killer not to mention if the police come and found us and the bodies of the people they killed. If we stay Eli will grown up to be a killer I don't want that to happen, what age will he be when they make him kill someone. 

I need to find a away out of here, I cant let that be Eli's future... but on the other side we are safe and loved here, Eli can grow up this a family...... a family of killers. ah I so confused. 

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