Chapter 17- Truth about girls

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I jump out of bed and run to Eli's room but he already has his head phone in. I go to walk downstairs but im met with a sleep Tony and miles.
"Belle what going on?" Asked miles
"Xavier saw light pull into the drive way, him and Asher went to go check" I answered miles nodded "take Tony into our room bell dont let him come down" order miles before going downstairs. I pull Tony into my room instead of their room because I have my pillow mountain set up so I can sleep with my 5 month rounded belly.

"Bella, we can't just sit here when they kill people" argued Tony while he sit on the bed by my feet.
"They are protecting us Tony and you aren't just sitting here your rubbing my feet" I said while wiggling my feet Tony growls but get the point and massages my feet.

Tony and I have became very close, he is my best friend. Our husbands especially Xavier get jealous of our relationship.
Tony has somewhat accepted being here, he admitted that life here was better then the life he would of had with his brother, who apparently was an abusive drunk. Makes me thankful that he joined our family.
Tony still hasn't met the family down the road or know about the meat but miles is supposed to tell him soon which I am not looking forward too.

After a while I get called downstairs and I send Tony too Eli's room but I doubt eli will notice, he enjoys his Walkman a lot especially since asher found him so more CDs when they went into town to get supplies. They go to town once a month to get thing we can't get ourself on the farm. My thought clear as I get to the kitchen to see a trail of blood into the basement. 

The blood deosnt bug me anymore but honestly what scares me the most is that either does the killing. In fact over the last months jack had me help kill or prepare the meat which I should be feeling something, anything beside what I feel which is not remorse.

Xavier comes upstair bloody and give me a kiss but I push him away making him growl.
"This is one of my few white shirts now its bloodly" I pout looking at my bloody stain shirt Xavier laughs then smirks I freeze.
"No no don't you dare I know that look" I said backing up and he stalks from making me scream as he grabs me tight and completely covers me in blood.

"Whats wrong is the baby okay?" Asher yells running into the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" Asked ash in a panic I roll my eyes then push Xavier away.
"No, im not okay your brother got blood all over my white shirt!" I said stompimg my feet like a child. Making ash laugh then joking shames Xavier for wrecking my shirt.

Xavier appeared Ashers apology and finally allows ash to be my husband. After Asher stood up to jack, he gained Xavier respect. Thought Xavier still keeps a close eye of him but he believes he will help Xavier kill jack when its time especially since I'm pregnant.

"Bella the family is coming on Friday to meet tony" jack says and I freeze i didn't even realize he came up into the kitchen with miles behind him.

"Trish" I whisper out as my mouth goes dry. Trish was the one that told me about the meat and last time I seen her, she hated the family.
"Jay as assured me the Trish is doing well and accepts our family but she is a bit upset since they lost their baby last month so she may lie or be resentful toward you. So I wanted to warn you" said jack like he was every careful on each word he said.

"Why did they lose their baby? Why didn't they come get me? i could of helped" i said firmly
"The baby was a girl belle" said ash not meeting my eyes when I looked at him
"What does that matter?"
"Belle, girls don't survive out here. So as the man, it is the father job to kill the baby before the mother gets to attached. Only sons are kepted because they are stronger that why the father goes to find his son a women when they are 21" said jack stepping towards me Xavier put his hand on my shoulder so deos asher.

"That deosnt make any sense, Girls have a higher chance of surviving infancy." I say as I feel my anger start to grow.
"Thats just how things are done bella" says Xavier then it hits me, my hand hold my stomach.
"So you saying if our baby is a girl you will...." I stuttered not able to complete my sentence.
"Yes we will kill her Bella, it is what is best for the family" Xavier says with a straight face asher nods agreeing. Then all at once the ball of anger i was holding exploded.

"YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING YOURSELVES IF YOU THINK YOU ARE KILLING THIS BABY" I scream at the top of my lungs pushing xav and ash hand off me.
"Belle I understand that this is a shock but you don't swear or yell and you will be punished for you actions" said Asher

"YOU TRY TO KILL THIS BABY BOY OR GIRL AND I WILL KILL YOU" I Said meaning my words a 100% by the look on the mens face that surrounded me they knew it. An evil smirk grew on Jack's face.
"Oh I know you will Bella, I have no doubt that you would and enjoy every second. That is why I'm going to teach you a lesson you will never forget" jack said stepping towards me. "Miles go get eli" jack orders
I immediately went to attack jack but Xavier grab me and hold me tight.

I look back at him with shock and betrayal but he has a firm look at his face. "You can't possibly be okay with this" I said with hope.
"Bella, we have already changed too many traditions because of you. This will not be one of them. Asher and I both agree with Jack on this one. And hopefully this punishment will remain you of your place" said Xavier. I looked at him with absolute disgust and hatred.

"Whats going on" asked Eli as he came in the kitchen I notice miles wasnt with him he must of stayed with Tony.
Jack took out his pocket knife and walked towards eli. I fought ash and Xavier with everything I had.

At that very second I had planned each of their deaths and I would follow through even if it killed me..

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