Chapter 6- Bloody lesson

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Before I could think twice I was being pulled from my seat by my hair. I cried out as I was being forced to stand. "I am giving you 30 seconds to apologize and eat your meat" xav said pulling my head back by my hair so I have looking straight at him. Tears were in my eyes but I refused to be bullied around. I'm a strong independent women I dont need a man tell me what to do, let alone what to eat.

"I apologize for being rude but I will not eat anymore as I said I'm full I don't usually eat much in the morning" I said firmly trying my best not to add gas to the flame. "Fine" said ash before I could react I was being dragged upstairs by my hair when I tried to kick xav away he got mad and picked me up. I screamed as we reached the bedroom door it was opened by ash I was thrown on the hard floor maybe me cry out. I heard the door being locked.

Xav reached down and ripped off my shirt I yelped and tried to get up and run but ash caught me as I stood up and held me in place. "No please" I begged scared, shaking and crying. My shirt was off and I stood in only my bra and pants. "You did this to yourself bella we love you and we know what is best for you. We expect you to respect us and listen without question" said xav. I felt ash hands go to undo my bra I turned to get away but xav held my arms.

"Please I'm sorry. I will eat the damn meat just please dont do whatever it is your going to do" I said crossing my arms to keep my bra from falling. "Too late bella" said ash I was quickly spun around dropping my arms in shock from the fast movement. Ash held me tight in front of him forcing my bare chest against him, held my elbows tight so I couldn't move. I hear a buckle behind me making me panic. "No please .... I'm sorry" I begged

"We love you bella that why you need to learn to respect us. You will be punished for your own fault. You caused this" said xav I wanted to beg again but before I could I felt a Sharp pain across my back I screamed bloody murder as xav whipped me 5 more times across my bare back. By the time I heard the belt fall ash was holding all my weight as I cried into him. He sat on the bed pulling me onto his lap. Heard xav leave but I didn't say a thing only cried.

When I heard the door open and close again I felt weight on the bed. "Bella look at me" I heard xav i looked at him in fear. He was holding my plate, he had a piece of meat on the fork and bought it to my mouth I opened and took the meat I struggled to eat between my sobs.

"Good girl. We love you belle, we want you to be healthy your too thin which worries us" said xav as he continued to fed me. When the plate was empty ash kissed my head and xav put down the plate then pulled my carefully too his lap. "I'm sorry" I whispered shaking

"We love you and we know what is best for you"  I nodded "say it" xav added then lifted my chin to look him in the eyes.
"You and Ash love me and knows what is best for me" I said with still afew tears in my eyes xav caught me by surprise by kissing me I didn't think I only kissed him back. I needed comfort and he was giving it to me. He pulled away then I was shifted in his lap to face front I was met with another gentler pair of lips. After a short kiss xav lifted me up carrying me to the bathroom.

Where they bath me, clean and dressed my wounds. I didnt fight then nor did I try to cover myself I just let them help me while listening to them say how much they loved me, cared about me and how beautiful I was. I was bloody bruised and had tear stained cheeks to myself I look like something designed to scare people in a horror film but to them I was beautiful which really made me question my thoughts and actions.


The rest of the day I spent in bed with them just laying cuddling talking and reading which was really nice. Turns out Ash love book just as much as I do that's way there are bookcase everywhere. I learned that Ash is shy, caring yet extremely loyal to his family he kill for them especially Xav, Xav is darkness mysterious and has a hard shell though I'm sure if I wait long enough I will see his soft center.

Damn no... bad adabelle! Stop that.. you can not fall for physios what would your parents think. Just do what they say gain their trust then when the time is right grab Eli and run for the hills. Start with finding the phone.

My thought were stopped by ash and xav pulling me down stairs they told me to cook supper also told me about how is now my job to clean and maintain the house as while as cook meal. Oh goodie that's why I went to medical school.. to be a house wife.

(A.N. nothing wrong with being a housewife.)

Just as I finish cooking lasagna with homemade noodle with ground mystery meat the boys gave me. Miles ran in the house pulling Eli.

"There is 3 of them down the road looks like their car broke down" he yells. Ash and Xavier jump up from the table they were watching me from.
"Take Eli upstairs belle In our room and read too him. And do not and i mean absolutely do not come downstairs until one of us comes to get your do you understand belle." Said Xavier as miles ran out the door ash kneeled down to eli saying something to him he rans upstairs.

"Yes I understand" I nodded
"Good girl" he kisses me so does ash then I make my way upstairs while hearing the door slam.

I wonder what is going on, whatever it is my gut is telling me it ain't good.

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