Chapter 12

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Baekhyun's Pov

Waking slowly I feel a little weight on my chest. Opening my eyes I look down to realise Kyungsoo is still in my bed snuggling into me with his head on my chest. Smiling to myself keeping my arm around him I close my eyes again and try not to wake him.

As I lay here thinking about lastnight and how he must be feeling this morning I do hope he doesn't regret our night. I begin to hear soft baby sounds making me panic that Taemin is on his own in the other room. Slowly pulling my body from under Kyungsoo I lay his head on my pillow and pull my arm free as he snuggles into the pillow probably thinking its me. It makes me smile seeing him so calm and sleeping.

Once I'm clear of the bed I reach for bottoms and a top pulling them on. I tiptoe out of the bedroom trying so hard not to make him up as I hurry across the hallway into the guest room. There laying all red faced from sleeping Taemin looks up at me from his little bed all smiles and excited to see me. "Good Morning" I smile as I reach in and lift him out pulling him closer to hug him as he is just so adorable and swishy. Kissing his cheek he smiles and I know we now have a good bond as he snuggles into my neck.

We make our way to the kitchen through the sitting room as I turn on the kettle. "Well little guy you seemed to have had a nice sleep" I sit him on the counter top still holding him with one hand as I grab his bottle premade the night before from the fridge.

All he does is smile and make cute baby noises. "OK Taemin what will we do today?, sleep eat and poop?" I look at him as he has no clue what I am saying just yet. He is looking at me as if to say hurry up with my food and stop asking me questions.

Pouring the hot water in a jug I put the bottle in to heat it up." Let's see how the weather is outside this morning". Lifting him up into my arms as he looks over my shoulder at his bottle it makes me smile as he looks at me with sadness. If I know any better I would say he is pouting.

"It will be ready soon we just have to wait till it heats up" I kiss his cheeks before pulling open the large curtains in the sittingroom . "Oh it looks beautiful out today I think we should go out later" I bounce him on my hip making my way back over to the kitchen to his delight. Reaching for his bottle and checking its ok he grabs it from my hand and puts it in his mouth making me burst out laughing. Man he is hungry and probably scared I wasn't going to give it to him at all.

We make our way into the sitting room and take a seat as he guzzles his bottle. "Hey if you drink that fast you will make yourself full of wind, slow down" I pull the bottle from his mouth and his lips keep doing the sucking thing. Sitting him  up and putting the bottle beside me I rub my hand along his back while the other one holds under his chin so I can get his wind up. After a few more rubs of his delicate little back he burps making me smile before I give him back his bottle.

I can't help but stare at him while he drinks his bottle. I can see little bits of Kai in him, he certainly has his appetite that's for sure. Running my hand across his head and down his cheek he closes his eyes and opens them again liking how it feels so I do it again. "You will be a heart breaker when your older I can tell. You are so like your dad" I find myself getting emotional thinking of how Kai is missing all this. Just like Chanyeol told me the other night there is nothing we can do to bring Kai back so we need to make sure Taemin knows all about him and is part of his life somehow.

I turn on the TV with the sound down low and change the channel to cartoons as Taemin turns a little to see all the colours on the TV. He just keeps staring as he finishes his bottle.

"Hi" I hear a soft voice as Kyungsoo enters the room looking so small. I begin to worry as he walks in further but almost like I am going to hurt him. "Good morning, are you ok?" I watch as he takes Taemin from my arms hugging him tight and moves away from me so fast as if a touch from me will burn him.

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