Chapter 10

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Everyone has gone home and Baekhyun is sitting alone on the floor in front of the fire sipping his brown liquid drink from his glass. He seems happy but sad that they all got to meet Kyungsoo and Taemin under horrible circumstances. His heart broke today hearing the stories each person had to tell about Kai. He doesn't know how Kyungsoo made it through today being so strong hearing what people said about his husband.

"Baekhyun" hears a voice making him glance up from staring into the fire. "Is Taemin ok?" he stands up, seeing the sad expression on Kyungsoo's face as the smaller one walks closer to him. "Taemin is fine. I expect he will sleep all night. He was wore out from all the attention"

Kyungsoo seems rather tired himself and emotional from hearing the stories from the others. He takes a seat on the floor as Baekhyun joins him. "I just want to say thank you so much for today Kai would have been so proud". He tries to hold back his tears, but they are not sad ones. They are happy tears. He knows he can't bring Kai back for his son, but he can make sure Taemin follows his dreams like Kai wished.

"You're so welcome, I thought it worked out well" Baekhyun continues to drink his drink as next of all he receives a little quick peck on his cheek, making him glance at the smaller. "Thank you" Kyungsoo blushes, making Baekhyun smile. "You're welcome" Baekhyun whispers back, noticing Kyungsoo seems on edge since everyone left. He gets up the courage to ask him. "Kyungsoo is everything ok?" Baekhyun puts his glass down on the floor beside him but before he can turn to face the other he feels arms around his arm. Looking at said arm, he sees Kyungsoo hugging it. "Thank you I mean it" Kyungsoo let's go and sits back up wiping a stray tear that has kissed his cheek before getting up from the floor. "I'm going to sleep in the bedroom tonight since the storm has passed. So I will say goodnight now" he bows a little before making his way to the bedroom. "Wait, Kyungsoo" Baekhyun calls after him, making the smaller stop and turn back around. "Do you need a proper hug?" he asks, holding out his hands as Kyungsoo just nods and makes his way closer to Baekhyun wrapping his arms around the taller waist. "I noticed you might need a tight proper hug" Baekhyun whispers into their embrace as they stay like that for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Goodnight" Kyungsoo heads off towards the bedroom before turning a little to see Baekhyun back on the floor again, staring into the fire. He has so much respect for Baekhyun after saving his life, and also for every single thing he has done since the day they first met. He had feelings he hasn't felt in a while and not knowing how to cope he just buries them down inside him knowing they are probably wrong to have feelings the way he does about Baekhyun, his husband's old friend.

Laying on his back on the floor with his hands over his head Baekhyun tries to control his emotions. He wants to comfort Kyungsoo so much but he thinks doing so will cross the line. He already kissed him which has sent him over the edge wanting more. Getting up from the floor he heads to the guest room Kyungsoo and Taemin are staying. He lifts his hand up ready to knock but freezes knowing it's not right. He needs to take control of his feelings and bury them down inside his heart. Walking away from the door he makes his way back into the sitting room to tidy up the little mess putting everything away in the kitchen.

" Baekhyun'' he hears a soft voice call him as he makes his way out of the kitchen following the voice. Kyungsoo stands in front of the fire hugging himself making Baekhyun approach him with caution. "Is something wrong?" Baekhyun stops in front of him looking so concerned. "Yes, we kissed and I know it was before you knew Kai was my partner. I just can't seem to get it out of my mind. Is it so bad that after talking about him today that I want to kiss you so much? '' Kyungsoo lowers his head and is annoyed at himself. "I know we kissed before I knew it was Kai but I meant it at the time. Today has been his day and as much as I want to take you into my arms and comfort you by just holding you all night I think it would be wrong" Baekhyun can't believe he has said that but deep down he doesn't want to take the day away from being about Kai. "I'm a horrible person aren't I?" Kyungsoo lets out a whimper as he starts to cry. "Kyungsoo please don't say that. You are not a horrible person at all. It's been an emotional day for you and you seek comfort" Baekhyun watches as Kyungsoo leaves the sitting room making him feel horrible for turning him away when he too wants a kiss.

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