Chapter 11

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"Oh hurry inside it's rather cold out there now" Kyungsoo says watching Baekhyun slip off his shoes and carry in the wood for the fire. "I will get some goodies for the movie" Kyungsoo makes his way over to the kitchen as Baekhyun places the logs of wood beside the fire. He places the feather that landed on his lap on the mantelpiece of the fire hoping that it was a sign from Kai.

"Ok ready, what movie shall we watch?" Kyungsoo places all the goodies on the floor looking so happy as Baekhyun takes one more look at the feather then back towards the smaller. "Kyungsoo, I want to ask you something," Baekhyun moves closer, taking a seat on the floor beside him. "Sure what is it?" Kyungsoo watches with wide eyes as Baekhyun takes a deep breath and just goes for it.

"What did you mean by missing something earlier?" Kyungsoo looks down at his lap as he opens the jelly babies. "Oh nothing it's ok" Kyungsoo avoids eye contact as Baekhyun reaches his hand across lifting the chin of the smaller up so he can see him better. "Hey please tell me, was it Kai you wanted to say?" Kyungsoo closes his eyes and reopens them with a small tear. "No it wasnt Kai, when I said I was missing one thing I meant ..." Kyungsoo starts but can't finish. Letting his chin go, Baekhyun decides to not push him anymore and heads to the kitchen to get them both a drink since Kyungsoo forgot.

"The one thing I am missing is.......... a man like you" He hears the words come from behind him as he is pouring out some soda nearly spilling it all over the countertop. "Please turn and face me Baekhyun this is hard enough telling you" Baekhyun turns to see Kyungsoo so lost standing there nearly hugging himself. "I know I shouldn't tell you this but it's true, it's what my heart wants. I haven't been this happy since Kai. I know you don't want to hear that or his name when I am trying to tell you how I feel but right now I want you to hold me and tell me I will be ok and I can get through all this" Kyungsoo covers his eyes and starts to cry a little making Baekhyun move closer to him wrapping his arms around the shoulder of the smaller pulling him in closer. "Shhh please don't cry and you are doing amazing and the main thing is Taemin and you are both safe now. You have a new home to look forward to". Baekhyun moves away as Kyungsoo wipes his tears "Thank you" he whispers as he heads back over to the floor as Baekhyun follows, wanting to comfort him more.

"Fancy watching a Disney movie?" Baekhyun asks as Kyungsoo smiles up from the floor "I found a romance comedy can we watch that instead?" Baekhyun smiles and agrees as he takes a seat on the floor as Kyungsoo presses play.


"Oh man that was so romantic, do you think people can fall in love that fast?" Baekhyun watches as Kyungsoo blushes "I think it's possible yes" he lowers his head clearing away the wrapper from his jellies as Baekhyun softly smiles. He has very strong feelings for Kyungsoo and right now he wants to kiss him. Getting up from the floor both of them feel awkward all of a sudden as if watching the movie has pointed out how they both feel about each other.

"I think I will head to bed now, so I will put these in the bin and say goodnight"Kyungsoo grabs the rest of his sweet wrappers as Baekhyun stops him. "I can clean up, give me those and I will put them in the bin for you that way you can head off to bed now" Kyungsoo passes them but drops a few on the floor as they both reach down to gather them up the bump heads making them both laugh out. "Oh crap I'm so sorry" Kyungsoo holds his head as Baekhyun says the same. "Hey let me kiss your head the way you kiss Taemins when he hurts himself". Kyungsoo doesn't move as Baekhyun cups the smaller's cheek and pulls him in closer kissing his forehead. "Now all better" he smiles about to move away as Kyugsooo grabs his wrists stopping him. Looking into eachothers eyes and not moving they both want to but is scared of what the other will say.

"Damn it Kyungsoo I really want to kiss you" Baekhyun whispers still holding the smaller's cheeks. "What's stopping you?" Kyungsoo replies as Baekhyun pulls him in closer, softly placing his lips on the smallers kissing him. After a few minutes they are still kissing, wanting so much more as they then both deepen the kiss to the others delight. "Oh wait" Baekhyun tries to catch his breath as Kyungsoo touches his now delicate lips. "I want to do so much more but I'm afraid I will scare you away" Baekhyun watches as Kyungsoo takes his hand and moves him towards the bedrooms.

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