Chapter 16

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(a/n their outfits)

"Oh Luhan I am really nervous, how do I look?" Kyungsoo enters his bedroom of his new apartment seeing Luhan playing with Taemin on the floor.

"You look amazing I told you the outfit would work"

"I'm so nervous he will be here soon and I really want tonight to be perfect. He has done so much for Taemin and I" Kyungsoo sits on the bed feeling a little blue all of a sudden.

"Hey, you listen to me, that's the past and it's all over now. Let's just concentrate on the now and get you sorted for your date"

"Do I look ok for him?" Kyungsoo twirls around showing his outfit

"You look amazing and it's not just for him. It's for you also. Now let me check your hair one last time".

Upstairs penthouse 

"Baek come on you changed your outfit like ten times already" 

"I need it to be perfect Chanyeol, it's a first proper date for the both of us" Baekhyun enters the sitting room seeing Chanyeol sitting on his sofa feet up looking through all the TV shows. 

"Ohhh someone is out to impress tonight" Chanyeol teases making Baekhyun smile. "Well I think he is worth it" Baekhyun fixes his jacket of the outfit he picked, settles on black trousers black shirt  and picks up the bunch of flowers he got for Kyungsoo today. 

"I do hope you have an amazing time tonight. Kyungsoo is a nice guy and everything you have done for him so far has been out of this world. I'm proud of being your friend" Chanyeol stands up, turning off the TV before making his way over to the smaller. 

"Just keep it down tonight there are other people in this building, if you know what I mean" Chanyeol winks making Baekhyun blush and slap his arm playfully before they leave the apartment. 

Stepping into the lift they both stay silent. Baekhyun is going through the night in his head of what to say and what not to say. He wants it to be perfect. He planned the picnic date with Taemin now he needs to impress the dad with a grown up date. 

"Breathe before you pass out" Chanyeol nudges his arm as Baekhyun let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"Just want it to be perfect" he checks over himself one last time before the lift door opens and they both step out. 

"Look hold up for a second. Stop planning the night so much and enjoy it. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. Kyungsoo will love what you have planned for him so please relax and enjoy your night" Chanyeol steps back into the lift to the shock of Baekhyun 

"Are you not babysitting with Luhan tonight?" Baekhyun looks confused as Chanyeol smiles "Yeah I just have to head out and get the ice cream I forgot and seeing that bunch of flowers you have there I feel like Luhan will be talking about them all night so I'm gonna get him a bunch" he waves as the lift door closes leaving Baekhyun nervous in the hallway. 

Taking a few deep breaths he knocks on the door. 

"Hi" Kyungsoo opens the door smiling ear to ear with a soft blush across his face.

"Hey, wow you look amazing" Baekhyun can't help but look Kyungsoo up and down passing him the flowers 

"You look amazing too, come on in, these flowers are amazing thank you" Kyungsoo rushes into his kitchen as Baekhyun heads to see Taemin playing with Luhan on the floor. 

"Hey little man" Baekhyun kissed the toddlers head, missing him already. He wants him to be in his penthouse in his little Jammies having some quiet time before bed. He knows deep in his heart he is gonna miss them in his home and just how quiet it will be without them. Shaking the thought from his head he gets a wink from Luhan. He smiles back, kissing Taemin's cheek. 

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