Chapter 8

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Slowly waking trying to open my eyes I notice Taemin is not beside me anymore. Jumping up with a fright I look around to hear noises coming from the kitchen. I unwrap myself from the blankets that seem to have tied themselves to me as I make my way towards the kitchen. "Morning, he was a wake and I didn't want to wake you" I see Kyungsoo standing there looking so sad and lost waiting for the kettle to boil. "Oh Kyungsoo are you ok you had me so worried" I rushed over and pull him into a hug. "I'm not really, my emotions are everywhere right now more than before. You knew my partner and I don't know how to feel about all this" I watch as he begins to cry and panic a little making me take Taemin from his arms. "Ok since the power is back on and the rain seems to have stopped how about we get out of here for a bit and just even go for a walk around the block. The fresh air will do this little man the world of good" I bounce Taemin in my arms as Kyungsoo smiles and wipes his tears. "I would really like that," he smiles as I take the bottle and feed Taemin. "You get showered and we can all head off out" I walk behind him into the sitting room as he continues walking into the bedroom. "Baekhyun thank you for last night" he says softly making my heart break on the inside. "You're welcome go have a shower and we will head out" I sit back on the sofa looking down at Taemin in my arms as he guzzles down his bottle as if never been fed. "You do look like your daddy now that I know who he is. He loved his food too" I croak a little remembering him and how now he is gone. I need to find out what has happened to Kai .I hope I can ask Kyungsoo today while we are out.


"Ok so are we all ready? I join Kyungsoo and Taemin in the hallways as Kyungsoo straps the little man into his pram. "Ok ready" Kyungsoo smiles a little as I open the door for them. "Taemin a nice bit of fresh air for us, what do you think?" I look in the pram as he smiles up at me warming my heart. Waiting on the lift I look at Kyungsoo who seems to be rather nervous. "Everything will be fine a bit of fresh air will do us good and maybe a little treat for us also as I think we really need one" I smile at them both making Kyungsoo look at me with soft eyes, "I'd really like that that too"

Reaching outside the air is so clear and the rain has stopped which is so good to see. "So will we head to the shopping mall and get ourselves a treat?" I reach into the pram and just tickle Taemin's chubby cheeks making him giggle. "I think he likes that idea" Kyungsoo smiles as we head along the path towards the mall. "Baekhyun can I say something?" I slow my walk and turn to face him. "Of course what is it?" I watch as he lowers his head. "If it is ok with you can we talk about Kai when we get home I really would like to talk to someone about him" he blushes making me smile. "I would really like that too, I was going to ask you the same thing but didn't think you would want to" I keep walking as he tugs on my sleeve. "Maybe we can get a drink and some goodies if that's ok" I can't help but smile and wonder if he is reading my mind. "Oh I think we both need a little alcohol tonight, sorry none for you Taemin you just have to have your milk and maybe if your good uncle Baek here will buy you a new stuffy" I reach in and hold Taemin's little hand with my finger rubbing it gently as we make our way to the mall.

"So what sort of alcohol would you like, wine or beer or something stronger?" I turn holding up a bottle of gin. "I would love a Malibu and some sprite, if that's ok?" he looks at me with such sweet eyes. "Oh I will join you with that, it smells of holidays' ' I grab a bottle of Malibu from the shelf with some Sprite and place it in the basket. "Oh Taemin needs more milk, let's go find it" I walk ahead as they follow close behind looking around. I notice Kyungsoo seems to be distant and almost scared. "Hey so what goodies will we get?" I lean my hand on the arm of the pram close to his. "Oh I will buy the goodies as a thank you for everything" I watch him smile as he moves along to the goodie aisle as I pop Taemin's milk into the basket and hurry after them .


"Oh Taemin I think uncle Baekhyun went a bit crazy down the goodie aisle and for getting you more Plushies" I hear Kyungsoo as we nearly fall in the door with the bags. Thank god we had the pram with us to put some of the bags on it. "So since we had dinner out after shopping how about we get into some comfy clothes and meet back in the sitting room in an hour for drinks and chats" I watch as he lifts Taemin out of the pram and grabs the bag of clothes I bought for them. "Next time let me pay please I need to buy something" he says with a whisper. "I know but please just let me, now go get ready you two while uncle Baek gets the place cleaned up a bit" he nods and heads into their bedroom as I hurry into the kitchen putting all the things we bought away. The rain has started again so I make sure the fire is lighting to heat the apartment. Grabbing Taemin's old used bottles, I turn the kettle on so I can wash them out and make fresh ones to put into the fridge.

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