Chapter Three

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"That dinner was so filling thank you" Kyungsoo smiles as he gets up from the table lifting up his plate as he walks to the kitchen. "Hey I will wash them, you go sit you're my guest" Baekhyun says as he hurries over to the kitchen putting his plate in the sink. "Ok how about you wash I dry?" Kyungsoo says making Baekhyun smile before handing him a dishtowel. "What will we do now that storm is battering us?" Kyungsoo asks just as the power goes out. " I was going to suggest a movie but that looks like its off the table now". Baekhyun feels around the kitchen being able to a little as he opens the drawer he knows has a lighter and candle inside. Lighting the candle he guides Kyungsoo over to the sofa where little baby Taemin is sleeping soundly. I have more candles in the cupboard in the hallway you sit with Taemin and i will go get them" Baekhyun walks off hitting into the edge of the sofa as Kyungsoo gets up and follows him with the light. "Thank you " Baekhyun smiles as he can see better now opening the door to the cupboard and pulling out a good few more candles and two flashlights. "I love candles so dont judge me " Baekhyun smiles handing some to Kyungsoo as they head back towards the sitting room. 

Placing them all around the room he joins Kyungsoo on the sofa sitting the far end of it. "Hopefully this wont last too long. At least we have plenty of bottles for the little man there" Baekhyun smiles seeing Kyungsoo being so gentle with his son. He wants to ask so badly why he was out on the street but is rather scared to but feels like he should. "Are you ok?" Baekhyun asks softly making Kyungsoo look up at him with glasssy eyes. "I am now thanks to you" he smiles looking back at his son. "Kyungsoo can I ask why you where out in the storm. You can tell me to mind my own business if you like" baekhyun braces himself to be told off but Kyungsoo just sits back in the chair. 

"My partner died 6 months ago and since he was the earner of the family I stayed at home to mind this little one". He looks at Taemin laying on the sofa not knowing what is happening around him and how heartbroken his appa is. "I'm so sorry Kyungsoo" Is all baekhyun can say as he watches the smaller look up at him wiping his tears. "He was such an amazing man and now that he is gone I feel like I lost the other part of my heart. I haven't been able to get work because I wouldn't have anyone to take care of Taemin and a babysitter would be too much. I tried to look for work I really did but they wouldnt give me time so they warned me for weeks and finally threw me out not caring that I had a young baby and nowhere to go" he begins to cry more as Baekhyun moves closer towards him. "I can help you if you will let me" baekhyun says making Kyungsoo look up at him. "You have done enough for me already" he wipes his tears again as baekhyun rubs his back in an attempt to comfort him. "I own a company, you can come work for me and earn some money. We can bring Taemin with us. You can do a morning shift till you work up some money to pay a sitter if you like" Baekhyun searches the eyes of Kyungsoo waiting for an answer. "I can't do that" Kyungsoo looks away towards his baby. "Yes you can, you need the help please let me help you" Baekhyun takes his hand holding it making Kyungsoo look at their hands in shock. "Im so sorry I touched your hand I just wanted to comfort you"Baekhyun lets go feeling rather stupid that he would touch a stranger that is nervous as it is in his house.

"Are you sure?" Kyungsoo says making Baekhyun smile. "Of course I'm sure I would not have said it if I didnt mean it" he smiles softly as a big smile appears over Kyungsoo face as he cries now happy tears. "I owe you my life" the smaller says while wrapping his arms around Baekhyuns shoulders making Baekhyun shocked now. "You only owe me a smile hows that" the taller says making Kyungsoo pull away from the hug. "Deal" he says before excusing himself to go to the bathroom leaving Baekhyun alone with the baby.

"Your appa has it hard but dont worry little one I will help as best I can don't you worry" baekhyun touches the babies little fist as Kyungsoo rejoins them. "I think i will go to bed now if thats ok. I'm pretty wiped out" Kyungsoo says as he leans over to pick Taemin up off the sofa laying him into his chest as baekhyun grabs a candle and guides them down to their room. "Here you take this candle and sleep well ok if you need me I'm right across the hall" Baekhyun touches Taemin's hand whispering goodnight as he says goodnight to Kyungsoo also before heading back to the sitting room.

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