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„Let me teach you how to swim"

Panicattack & SH

It was 4 in the morning when Dream stood in the bathroom washing his hands. He looked in the mirror and saw that he was still smiling like an idiot.

A few hours ago, Clay asked the most beautiful boy on earth to be his and he said yes.

The blonde dried his hands of as he heard a loud scream out of my room. Without knowing the reason he started to run back, just to see a completely panicking George sitting straight in my bed, staring at his hands while screaming and crying.

A few seconds ago, the brunette woke up because of a horrible dream he had and looked to the left. The place next to him was empty.

He wasn't there.

He told him he would be there.


His breath went fast as George tried to get as much air in his lungs as possible. It didn't worked and it felt like he was suffocating and kept gasping for air as a choked scream left his mouth.

He couldn't really see something because of the tears that where dropping on the shaky hands. George couldn't stop screaming, not even when Dream entered the room and ran straight towards the crying boy.

George shivered so hard and still wasn't able to control anything he did.

The tears that dropped down on his arms begun to burn and he tried to scratch them of. He scratched his arm harder and harder till little blood drops ran down the light skin.

George didn't even know why he was panicking so hard, which made it even more terrifying.

He was in such a intoxication that he couldn't stop scratching my arms.

Clay tried to stop him, but his boyfriend just screamed and shivered everytime tried to grab the smaller ones arm arms. He tried to talk to George and calm him down, but he couldn't understand a single word Dream said.

In this moment, the brunette was too far away from reality.

It seemed like Dream had an Idea how to calm him down as he jumped up and ran over to his phone, grabbing it and typing something.

George hit myself against the head and cried more and more as suddenly a familiar sound entered my ears and two strong arms grabbed me, pulling me on their lap.

The smaller one cramped up and bit on my lip till he realized what was happening.

Clay was holding George as tight as possible while he slowly sang the song playing in the background.

His deep voice had a positive impact on George when he tried to concentrate on it.

George slowly calmed down and tried to listen to the lyrics, while tears kept dropping on Dreams shirt.

It was his favorite part and he could feel Clays eyes laying on me as he sung the lines George sung only a few days ago in his car, after they first met.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you. Drive highways and byways to be there with you, over and over the only truth, everything comes back to you" he quietly sung into my ear as George slowly stopped crying he stopped singing but let the song continue to play.

He wiped my tears away and looked in the red and swollen face „It's okay georgie I'm here it's okay" he pulled George into a hug.

„You'll be okay alright? Just take a deep breath and concentrate on my voice and the song. Nothing can hurt you, I'm here and I won't leave. I'll hold you till you say that I can let you go. I'll hold you till you are completely calmed down and able to stand on your own again."

George swallowed hard, hearing these words and teared up again.

„I'm I'm so s- sorry Dream I'm annoying and a diss- disappointment" He shivered as this words left his mouth.

His Boyfriend pulled George away from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

„No Georgie you're not. Panicking is normal and can happen to anyone. You had a big and hurting incident two days ago it's completely normal and you're fine alright? You're not a little bit annoying or anything, you did nothing wrong. I left you alone and it was my mistake. You woke up alone and started to panic and it's my fault not yours. You'll be alright and I won't ever leave you again without telling you I promise okay? Just stop crying and look at me. I love you with all my heart and already told you I would do anything for you alright? You are no disappointment. You are my boyfriend and the best thing that every happened to me" he ended his speech

George looked in his face, wich was teary too.

He cried because it hurted him so much to see the brown eyes like that. George never felt so guilty in his whole life

„I don't even know why I'm panicking it's just happening I'm like a baby crying the whole day and everybody hates it" The smaller one continued sobbing and Dream pressed his against his warm chest.

„No one hates you, believe me. You know I used to tell my mom and my little sister always everything and they both love you. Drista even started watching your streams because she thinks you're a very kind and smart person. My mom joked that if we'll ever end up together she'll be so exited to meet you. My whole family already loves you and think of your fans! How many messages do you get a day of people telling you how awesome you are? Tons of letters and donations of people saying that you made their life so much better and you always get a smile on their faces. You're the most awesome human being I've ever met and I never want to lose you. I'll light you a candle in the darkest times and help you to get through it alright? I'll always support every of your decisions and love you for being who you are"

„It's just like I'm drowning in my own fucking head" George tried to explain, holding his hands up to his head.

„I know, I know. And there are two ways I can help you. I can try to save you over and over again or teach you how to swim"

„You don't understand I'm literally drowning"

„Let me teach you how to swim George"

„You can't" He just answered, the tears stopped falling down.

„I can. I'll hold you and show you what it's worth to live" George stared at him with wet eyes and the last tears rolled down his cheeks when he kissed Dream softly

„It's going to be okay and you will learn how to swim" he whispered, while pulling George back in his big bed.

The brunette curled up and rested his head on Dreams chest „I love you so much Dream, please don't forget that, no matter how much I panic or anything"

„How could I forget some thing that keeps me alive?"

1232 words

I struggled a bit writing this because it's triggering for people like me I guess. The panicattack probably seems unrealistic or weird or too much to some of you but it's based on the experience I made during the last few years soooo idk that's how a panicattack out of my perspective works

𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now