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„I told you I would never leave you"

Georges heart was still racing as Dream opened the passenger door after parking in front of his house.

He held out his hand to help the shivering boy out, but he couldn't stand any bodycontact right now.

George didn't know himself why I didn't want to let him go a few minutes ago. He just panicked and needed something or someone to hold on to. He just wanted to feel safe.

George slightly shook his head and got out by himself. Dream just nodded and opened the door.

„George I don't know what happened and if your not ready to talk about it it's okay right? If you wanna talk I want you to know that I'm always here. I'd propose that you take a bath or something and I'll go get your things. If your okay with that you just have to nod okay?"

The soft tone in his voice calmed him down and George forced himself to nod slightly.

„Okay good. Put the keys on the table and get yourself some water. I'll prepare the bath" he turned and went upstairs while George got himself something to drink and concentrated on not shivering

„George are you ready?" Dream asked from upstairs and he answered with a quiet „Yes" before going upstairs as well.

When he got in the bathroom, Dream stood there watching the brunette „It's okay Georgie" he smiled at him and George tried to smile back.

„Take your time alright? Here are some fresh clothes and everything else you need. If you need something special just call me okay? I'll be back in 10 minutes"

A tear dropped down Georges cheek.

„Don't cry, you're doing so well George I'm going to hurry up and be back as fast as I can. I promise"

He took a deep breath and a quiet „Thank you" left his mouth. Dream smiled one last time, before he left the bathroom

It's going to be okay, George told himself over and over again while he got ready to take a bath.

He looked in the mirrow and needed to realize that the person in the reflection was himself.

His face was covered in little wounds and bloody scratches, to little glass splinters that were stuck around the area of his eyes in his skin and cheeks were swollen and blue.

Carefully, he took the splinters out first, while warm water filled the bathtub.

When George got in the hot water, his whole body automatically started to relax and he slowly stopped shivering and started to wash the bad memories away.

Between positiv thinking and cleaning himself up a few moments just appeared in front of his teary eyes.

Five tall men just appeared out of nowhere and started to talk to him. They said they wanted to try out the glasses and when the British man ignored them, they randomly started attacking him, trying to get him to talk and the glasses.

He heard the lock downstairs and like a minute later his best friend „Georgie I'm back. I'm just putting your stuff in my room, I'll wait there for you"

He felt like Dream didn't need an answer, so he just continued cleaning himself up. When George was ready, he dried himself off and got in Clays clothes.

They where obviously to big, but very comfy. The brunette got out of the bathroom and went slowly over to Dreams room.

He quickly turned around as George opened the door and looked at him „They broke the glasses" was all George could say before tearing up again. Dream got up and walked over to his best friend.

𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now