The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 5. not of this world

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      a nurse sees me and helps me put the girl  down on the bed suprised and confused by what a dauntless Is doing there "wow a dauntless here? What came of it?"

I answer her.  "I saw her passed out in Jeanine's office. I think Jeanine did something to her."  takes out a knockout dart "I found this." she looks at it with no emotion, but then acts concerned "jennie? You mean to say jennie did this? Oh dear." I continue "Yeah. I don't know what her plan is, but I know that a lot of people are going to get hurt and she just might be the first one." The nurse replies "Hmm well we will make sure to stop her. Finding more proof. We will stop her from hurting others." she  looks down at katrina "she you friend?"

     " could say that" I finish   "Know her name? I haven't really seen her around. She must be like a transfer or something." She looks through some papers trying to find her name.

            Katrinas P.O.V
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I open my eyes slightly, I can tell I'm lying down but everything is blurry around me, I see some girl and a nurse I immediately shoot upwards gasping still thinking I was in the room with Rani. The girl above me puts a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. I took you to the hospital. You're not in Jeanine's office anymore."

my eyes take a secound to clear up and I see a girl in front of me, taking a deep breath and taking in my surroundings "im at the hospital?" I say confused, the nurse beside me is going through some papers. The girl above me replies "Yeah. I convinced Jeanine to let me take you here."

      I hear that and give the girl a look of thankfulness but not showing it to the nurse "uh. Thanks. I think I'm fine now."  I say wanting to get out of there, when the nurse speaks up.

I can't find you on here. Your not from erudite." she looks at me almost looking like she knows why but trying not to show it, looking suprised. The girl asks confused "If she's not from Erudite, what is she?" "I don't know. She came with you right?" The nurse looks at her

I give the girl  a look of say yes. Please "uh yeah. I'm not from this faction I got lost.."   "Yeah. She came with me but... I thought she was Erudite." the girl finally replies.

        The nurse looks agitated like she doesn't want to let me go. But still trying to hide it "she's no where on these papers with all of the members of this faction on it."  I notice the way she's trying to hide something, not saying anything. The girl continued "Well, it's obvious that she's factionless then. No reason to panic... wait, her name wasn't on the factionless lists either, was it." the nurse replied "No."  she answers looking at the girl  almost challenging her with every question she put forth. I give the dauntless girl  a look, of trust me, without showing it and not saying anything. "Well, I don't know where she's from. And despite the smug look on your face, I don't think you do either."the girl challenges the nurse. the nurse looks at her "no I dont."

I speak up wanting to get away from this nurse "im from dauntless."  but I stop my words right after they come out.

        She whispers to me. "Are you crazy?" I telpathic her knowing I needed her trust to go along with me "trust me. I really need to get away from here. I'm in a lot of  danger." I don't answer out loud, looking at the nurse.the girl looks around "who said that?" I look at tris trying the telpathic after I say something out loud "I didn't say anything." I continued telpathic "it's me. Right next to you. You need to get me out of here."  I hear tris' s telpathic as she tries it out. "Oh. Wow. This is weird. Eggshells. Underwear. Pigs feet."

She speaks out loud "Must have been my imagination."

        I look at the nurse "so I better get back to my faction. Before I get in anymore trouble" tris agrees "well we better get back" I stare d up and start walking towards the door with tris next to me. She follows me, waiting until we're out of earshot "What did Jeanine want with you, anyway?" I answer "She's not who you think she is. And this whole place. Every faction is in danger." tris answers "I sort of knew that. My brother said something about an Erudite revolution. But what do you mean, she's not who I think she is? she seems like a typical cold, analytical, evil-to-the-bone Erudite."

           "Well they all follow her. Or are controlled by her. Her real names Rani. She's not from this world at all. I know her and she's bad news. Very bad..." I trail off, not telling her of me not being from that world too, and how I know her. "Not from this world?" She  pauses for a second "But she looks normal enough."

"Yeah."  I take deep breath hoping I can trust her "yeah so do I. But I'm trying to stop her me and my friends. God knows what they are going through in the other factions. If it's as bad as this one.." I pause thinking I needed to do telpathic again, I look over my shoulder and see some of the erudite are following us in a quick pace "uh. I think we should run now..."

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