The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 4. your choice

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      the color drains out of my face when I hear that name ""  I suddenly want to get out of that room away from her "uh well... I've uh got to go."  I take off the helmet attempting to leave. She see me trying to leave and speaks up. "I'm afraid you can't do that. But I can offer you a deal. You can either become my ally, share in the power and privilege that our intelligence will soon bring us, or you belong to me. Again." I stop and turn around shyly "you aren't going to give me a choice are you?" I stare at her. She replies "You're correct. It isn't much of a choice. But that's only to encourage you to make the right decision." I continue "Right thought so. After last time. So what are you up to here then?" I look at her.

      She answers "Same as always. Manipulating brain chemistry, only this time with an angle towards keeping peace in society." i gasp "Your trying to control all these humans? hmm sounds like you. I can't let you do that."  she contines "I knew you would say that. But I am trying to improve life for this city, not damage it. This regeneration actually has sympathy... it's quite the experience." i reply "You having sympathy. I don't believe it."  I stare at her "how are you trying to do that?"

"Sometimes, peace can only be achieved through violence. That is all I will say." i boldly state "Well that's not the way. I'm not helping you. Controlling people is not the way to achieve peace." I start walking towards the door. Jeanine speaks up. "It's locked.  You stay here until you make a decision" I try the door and "it is hmm. So what are my options again?" I start to shake again knowing I'm in danger being in here with her, i telpathic the Doctor but find she cut off my telpathic when I had the helmet on. Dang "you are welcome for solving that equation, that you had so much trouble on. It was really very easy." I say arrogantly trying to hide my fear. "Now is not the time to be arrogant, Katrina." Jeanine states. I nod "Sorry. Timelord habit."  I stare at her "so what are my options then? Oh and I see you cut off my telpathic guessing I'm not going to be talking to the others any time soon"

       She states firmly and threateningly "Either you help me by standing at my side, or by lying on my operating table. Your call."
   I stand there really not wanting to help her but not wanting to go through experimentation again "so I can't just run."  I take a deep breath, stuck in place.

I hear her voice "The clock is ticking, Timelord" in my terrified stance I didn't know what to do, I was on my on alone with Rani, I couldn't help her. I just couldn't. She would make me attack my friends still out there. I had made my decision but I knew what it would cost. But at least I would fight defending my friends "I won't help you. You hurting too many people. That's my answer. I'm not helping you." I stare at her terrified but bold, hoping this was the right thing to do, and that maybe I would still have a way to escape.

        "Okay then. Suit yourself." She finishes pulling out a gun of some sort. Shooting me with it. before i have a chance to escape by opening the door.  I start to fall asleep, drowsiness takes over and I pass out "no..."  


     Tris' s P.O.V
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        I hear something being shot in the hallway close to where I am. Something is up. I stand out side the door listening for a few moments as a girl I hear whisper "no" I open the door suddenly barging in. "Jeanine? What's going on?" I say knowing something Is wrong. I look up at Jeanine then at the brown haired Girl laying on the floor in front of me passed out. jennie. Looks at me "tris. You shouldn't be barging into my office. It is visiting day but I was having a meeting" she  glares at me  not showing the suprise she  had when I first  came in. Then looking back at the girl on the floor.  "A meeting, huh? Then why is that girl unconscious on the floor?"  I go over to check on her seeing she's out cold. "You need to get her to the hospital."

       she stares at me with a plain expression "she got dehydrated. Or maybe just a bit too nervous of getting the high position in erudite. She passed out right as you barged in, so I didn't see it." She walks over to the girl, and kneels down checking her pulse "she will be fine. I can take her to the hospital. We don't need a dauntless here taking her. Now go back to your faction. If your done visiting" she scowls at me  glaring at me in the usual way one faction dislikes the other.

I continue knowing she's lying "Yeah. Sure. You were going to give your position to her. Are you ever going to say anything that isn't a complete lie?" She replies "Not my position but a high one. She completed the equation we've been working on in less then 15 minutes. I say she's worthy of it. Now I best get her to the nurse."  She picks her up, I look at her knowing whatever she wants the girl for I can't let her take her. She may be a Divergent like me. I've got to help her.

       I reply "I still don't believe you. Let me take her." she stares at me "you think I'd let a reckless, out of control dauntless take care of one of the erudite girls? Miss that's a job for the faction less and unless you want to be one. I'd stay out of it."she sets down the girl on the desk while im not letting her out of the office.

I challenge her "What do you think I'm going to do? Hold up a bank on the way there? Dauntless is about standing up for others, not being an idiot. And who gave you the power to make me factionless?" she stares back at me seeing I'm challenging her "right. You know your faction. But you should learn not to but in on what other factions business, especially doing things like barging into people's offices when they are in a meeting. You can take to to the nurse. I've got work to do."   She motions me to take her, giving up on me challenging her. I pick up the girl taking her to the erudite hospital. 


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