The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 12. hiding

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      Katrinas P.O.V


        I scream out in agony "ahh! Oh this hurts..."  I hold my head trying to lessen the pain "Rani knew it wouldn't work on me.. ugh." we had arrived at the apartment and I was laying down in pain from my head. Four spoke up "I'm confused. Rani?" I explain "Her name isn't jeannie it's Rani. She uses the name jennie as a cover disguise name..." tris nods "Yeah. Katrina was telling us about this whole alien thing."

four nods  "right yeah. That she's an alien like katrina." He  walks over to me "how bad in pain are you?" 

I hold my head "pretty bad. Stupid Rani gave me a splitting headache by Givin me a syrum she knew wouldn't work on me.. and it..hurts." A fimilar voice comes from next to me "Let me help with that."someone touches me  taking away some of my pain "Better?"

        "Telpathic pain transfer again Dawn?" I say pulling together my bearings then looking up and seeing the Doctor there "Dad!" I jump up and hug him "how'd you find us?"   Dawn answers  "Yes. Better me than you. This body is younger and stronger."

"Dawn found your location telepathically. Her abilities are a lot stronger than I thought." "That's wonderful."  I finish hugging the Doctor Then I do the same to Dawn "guys this is four and tris. They saved me."  I motion to them

they both say hi "pleasure to meet you."    Dawn shakes their hands  "It's good to meet you two. It was very brave what you did, your faction should be proud."

the Doctor goes over to four and tris "I can't thank you two enough. It was a great thing you did for both my daughter and I."

          tris blushes "uh thanks.."

four notices the blush of embarrassment.

I walk in the middle of the group "ok. So how are we going to stop Rani, along with getting out without her catching us? I mean if you guys found me telpathicly she can too."   Dawn replies "I don't know. Last time, she had an army. But this time, she's virtually unprotected. Why is that?" "Maybe she's not. This whole society she said she was planning on controlling it. Everyone in it. Messing with brain chemistry. She could use anyone."  I look over at tris wondering how she must of been stuck in her faction possibly hunted down by Rani.  Four answers "Eric has been going to Erudite a lot lately. You say Rani doesn't have an army? Ha, I think she's going to make one." i nod "I think so too. She's that kind of person. So now we just have to stop her and not get caught at the same time."

         "Good luck" Dawn simply says. "Yeah we all need it. Any ideas for plans?"  I look at four "oh and do you know if this is a pretty safe place?"  Four answers "Amity would be safer. Anyone's violent there, they kick them out. Dauntless like to start stuff." I shake my head "No I'm not looking for that kind of safe. That kind of safe I would of stayed home for. I mean safe from jennie and her lackys." Tris speaks up "Oh. Well, then, you couldn't have picked a less safe place if you want to avoid Erudite. They've been here a lot. Like dogs sniffing around a fire hydrant."

"Hmm then it isn't the safest place anyone want to go to erudite and destroy thier plans on the war?" I smirk, even though knowing it's dangerous. Dawn agrees "Sounds fun!"

Four looks at her "And you're Amity. You certainly don't act like one." i nod "Well right now we all are most likely defined as divergent. We are different. Totally not defined all the way by anyone anytime."  I grin. Four hands you, Dawn, and the Doctor some Dauntless clothes  "Put these on. We can't mix, so this will help us all look like a group." "Ok." I look at the jeans then loving the leather jacket reminding me of my dad in his ninth regeneration "thanks where can I change?"

           Tris points  "There's a common bathroom over there. Yeah, privacy isn't high on the Dauntless priority list."  I head towards it trying not to get noticed to well, I change then I come out Slightly uncomfortable by the chosen clothes but I wear them anyway, starting on my way back I get stopped by someone

"Hey you!"

I stop hoping I'm not suspicious "hi." I say plainly.   He looks at me acting and seeing like a leader  "your supposed to be in training with the others what are you doing here?" 

I look at him not sure what to say he's intimidating, and would figure out I'm not from there quickly "uh..." in the bathroom  Dawn  looks around with disgust. "Ew. Could these bathrooms be any more disgusting? It's like a prison shower." the she walks out and looks  at me being stared down by Eric. she  telepathic me "Tell him you got blood on your other clothes and needed to change them."
I hear dawn and telpathic back ok.. I look at Eric "I just got some blood on my shirt and I needed to change it."  I wait nervously for his response.

           Eric stares at me "if you're that concerned about your looks, you don't belong here."

Dawn Says telpathicly "says the  dude with the pierced face." I look at him,thinking up a clever response "no. It's for undermining my strength to catch them off guard. They see blood think I'm really tough but this way they undestimate me. And I win."  I give a prideful smirk to throw him off. He grins at me "I admire your strategy. You know, my friends at Erudite are looking for somebody. You might be able to help me. She's a test subject who escaped from Erudite. But Jeanine never told me what she looked like. Anybody could be her. So if you see anything suspicious... talk to me."

           I keep a straight face "I will. Now I got to prepare for another win."  I turn around and walk off 

once I turn a corner I go back to Dawn and them im back.  Dawn speaks up once i get there "Oh, you are so massively screwed." "How so?"  I ask.

"I saw the whole thing. He's looking for you." i nod "Yeah. I know... Which means we got to get out of her before they catch us." I look over at the Doctor, tris and four "you guys ready to go?" "go where?" Dawn asks. "Somewhere other than here. I don't fancy getting caught again I still got a headache from Rani's stupid syrum she gave me."  Tris speaks ups "There is nowhere other than here. Rani has her fingers in every faction." "Ok. So we are screwed."  I walk over and lean against the wall, trying to think of something "I hope Mr Eric doesn't suspect when I'm not with the others. Or more of find out I'm not anyone in the entire faction. When he does it wouldn't be long till he comes after us." Dawn replies "Mr. Eric? He's eighteen. If we were still on Gallifrey, he'd be an infant."she Trails off remembering Gallifrey.

            I nod yeah "but everyone is younger than us. Now what are we going to do?"  I look towards the doorway expecting someone to come through it and catch us.

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