The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 11. jeannies Secret identity

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       I walk in the faction that I was told Dawn was in and look around for her. I spot her sitting at a table in the cafe talking to some other Amity girls and she sees me "Doctor!!!" She yells my name. I give her an embarrassed look like to not to call out my name but then it turn it to a smile and hug her "oh! Dawn. Good to see you. What's been going on around this faction then?" She answers "Everyone is way too nice. I think they're all drugged.  So anyway, how are you? Being around all those compulsively honest people. Must have taken a toll on you, eh? Did they truth-serum you?"

"No. I got away before they could any longer and they might of. Hope they didn't follow me."  looks over shoulder, then back at her "you've seen katrina? I got a bad feeling about a woman named jeannie. I think I might know her, maybe..."  I scratch my head, thinking.

       "Jeanine Matthews? I've heard her name around. Amity and Erudite work together sometimes. And... know her? From where? This is an alternate timeline. And truth be told, I haven't seen Katrina. She's probably still at Erudite." "Jeanine. Jeanine. Jeanine..."  I murmur the name slightly listening to Dawn, while I'm trying to think "I know I've heard that name around somewhere... it sounds fimilar.." she shivers  "Jeanine's scary. You know Erudite and Amity work together, well she came to Amity today and... when her eyes met mine, I suddenly felt this intense chill. Like I knew her before, but I don't remember how."

"So we both got this feeling about her. I think we need to go over there and find out who she is. If she's scary like you say. I'm worried for Katrina. Let's go say hi."  I grin, widely and grab her hand try to telpathic katrina to see where she is.

        Dawn tries to contact her the  stops "I can't get though" I shake my head hearing that "Hmm that's not good. Either she's passed out. Or they blocked it somehow." She replies "But... blocking telepathy? That's alien tech. How is it here?" I think "I'm not sure.. the tardis crashed here and we still have no idea what made her crash. And the name jeannie sounds fimilar... I think something is up with this place." "It takes a lot to draw a TARDIS off course."

"Yes. Now I think we should definitely got pay a visit to this jeannie."  starts running, with Dawns hand in mine. we're standing in Erudite, outside of Jeanine's office. I look at Dawn then back at the door "ok. If anything goes wrong run. Geronimo."  I knock on the door "hello?" the door opens revealing a lady with blond hair and a smirk on her face "Hello, Doctor. It's certainly been a while."

       "Well so you remember me. I don't quite.. remember you."  I walk in staring at jeannie.  She replies "Think hard. Planet Earth. The War of Secrets." I squint my eyes staring at jennie thinking, then it hits me "jeannie.. sounds like. Rani."  I glare at her "Rani! So this is where you've been all this time. Where's katrina?!"  

"She's been a great help to my research" I listen "what!? Where is she? What did you do to her!?"  I clench my fists at my side knowing she could be lying to make me mad. She replies "Just some standard intelligence and energy scans, and a test for a new control serum." I lower my voice knowing I should let out my rage "you tested on her. trying to control her. Where is she!? Where did you put her?" "Now, why would I tell you that?"She says defiantly.  I glare at her "because you hurt her. And I will make you tell me."  I telpathic Dawn "keep trying katrina."  I talk out loud to Rani "why are you here? What are you after this time? More research? Controlling something?"

        "I'm just trying to find ways to make society more peaceful." she says. I slightly laugh knowing that's a lie "Right. Peaceful in your standards. If I don't like it i will stop you. But first I'm going to find my daughter. Now where is she!?" I demanded. Rani is completely silent. "tell me where she is! Rani."   She crosses her arms and smirks at me. I put my Palm on my face "don't smirk. Answer me."  I sigh "well we are going to find her because she doesn't seem to be here."  notices the bullet hole in her shoe, and I smirk "she escaped didn't she. Why else would you have a bullet hole in your shoe." I answer smartly  to her. She slightly grins "You are as clever as always, Doctor. Yes, she escaped. Some awful Dauntless boy shot me in the foot to buy some time. But time is one thing I have a lot of. And I will find her." I laugh "shot you in the foot. Brilliant. Did it hurt?" She answers "Not as much as he may have intended it to. He didn't know about my healing capabilities."

        "Ooh that's a bummer. But it is hilarious. Well I'm going to find Katrina before you do. Get in my way you will regret it. If I don't like what's going on here. I will stop you. Tata"  I wave goodbye in a fun way running out the door taking Dawn with me. Dawn replies with a wide grin on her face "that was epic"

I look over at her while running and grin "it was. I made sure it would be. Now let's get out before they start running after us. Then figure out where katrina and them are. Hopefully she's ok." we race towards the exit. Me pulling out my sonic to open the door. Dawn pulls it open once I unlock it. we run out side blinking in the light "I have no idea where katrina went. Maybe we could ask someone..."  I turn around and see that some people are running after us "actually maybe...not!"  

         Dawn tries to telpathic katrina again "Oh! Hold on, I'm getting something! She's... in a vacant apartment in Dauntless. Two Dauntless members have her. They're keeping her safe from the Rani's lackeys." "Ooh that's good. Then we are heading there." we take off losing the people after us.


*Sorry i dont stop and chat with the people that read my books. I always feel it Interupted the book. But I hope you've liked it so far. It was me and my friends idea to
Make jeannie in Divergent have a Doctor who secret identity.  As the Rani. She really fits the part. So anyway.  Hope you enjoy the next chapters. 
Please remember to comment and vote. Thanks. A dedication goes out to my friend cass who inspired the roleplay that I created into this book.
Keep being awesome.* 


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