The Dawn of Divergent. chapter 8. Delusional

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       I try my best to stay awake but I can't handle it any longer and I passout, when I open my eyes again I don't know how much time had passed. Tris is in two chairs. Two tris' s, I look up at Rani and see double of her too "ah.. hello jenRani.. why are there..two of you?" my head wavers from side to side, as everything is blurry and unfocused.  Tris blurts out "you survived! I thought you were dead" I look over at tris "nO. I can't die.. I will just glow like a firefly. Yeah! I alive. I will survive!" starts the beginning of the I will survive song, singing it horribly and off key "tris! Tris. Why are there two of you too? JenRani! What did you do to her!? Make her a snake with two heads?"

     The double  Trises pats me on the back "Easy there.I'm a normal person still." i answer back not able to control my mouth or think "You can't glow like a firefly though? Cause your human. And I'm a timelord. Secret secrets. And your a divblur!"  I lay back in my chair trying to stop my running mouth, but blurt out again "Doctor! Dawn! I'm here! Here me! Save me. And the double trissed."   Rani has a twisted smirk on her face "Now this is an unanticipated side effect." She Stifles a laugh. "Why! JenRani! Are you laughing at me? I'm not doing anything! Dont be ruDE!"  looks back over at tri "trisses! Tell her to not laugh at me." I blurt out still.

      Tris answers playing along to my delusional state "Alright, you two. Don't laugh at her."  Four walks in "Four!? What are you doing here?" tris says. I blurt out again "four! Where! I need to get the golf ball!" I look over at tris "trisses! Why are you calling a number? Did you get a four too?"  I lean forward in my chair and see four "oh hey! You! Hi! Nice to meet you. Have you met jenRani and trisses?"

      "Please stop."tris pleads.   I hear her "try..trying." in my delusional state at close my mouth running out of breath anyway, I cough. While staring at four. 

Four yells out to tris  "tris! I thought something was wrong." He looks at jennie "what's going on here!?"  Then he looks over at me trying not to blurt out anymore. "tris is she ok?" "ummm you could say that" tris quietly says. "Well let's get out of here."  Four says  pointing his  gun at the floor and shoots  jennie ' s foot, helping tris with me, only half awake not being steady on my feet. "We need to get out. And I think I know the place." tris says leading the way.  four nods "ok. Help me with your friend she looks like she's going to pass out." 

I wobble on my feet, trying to stay awake. And not ramble.  "I see the tracks in the distance. Katrina, have you ever hopped trains before?" tris asks. "No. I'm rather scared of trains.." I admit feeling like I'm going to pass out but not being delusional any more trying to regain my bearings.   "It's easier than it looks. And it's the only way to get into the Dauntless compound. I'll carry you." she insisted. "No. I have an idea."  I thought about using my telekinesis to float me onto the train but I realized my mind was rocky and the moment it probably wouldn't be more dangerous at the moment "oh. Wait.. hold on. Nvm. Your plan is better. Plus I can hardly stand.."

         "I'm just glad you're back. This might hurt a bit on impact." She tries to be gentle tossing me into the train car and then jumping in myself. I land on the far end, grasping on to the edge of car to keep me from flying out of the train .

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