The snow

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Alessa's P.O.V

Adam and I are running. We try to catch up to Alexis but it's no hope. She's going to eventually catch up to Tyler and burn him to a crisp. I decide to give up when out of the corner of my eye I see a small gem, it's white. White as snow in the world of lava and fire? I walk closer Adam walks up behind me, he must have noticed me walking away. I reach out to touch it when I hear Alexis scream- Alessa! don-

Adam's P.O.V

We fall face first into the snow. "The gem that we saw must have been a teleportation gem." I say helping Alessa up. I see in the distance a figure of a person watching us. I walk over. A look of realization crosses her face. "Adam! Oh Adam, my dear brother I have missed you so! Hearing her voice make my sucspicions a reality. Olivia! Olivia! I trap her in a hug. Olivia. My sister of opposites the chances of me ever seeing her again were so low I had given up hope!

Alexis's P.O.V

so many pov's this chapter!

Alessa don't touch that! I scream, one second too late. A teleportation crystal was super rare finding a first you would be considered lucky. Finding a second was almost impossible....

this is what happens When you already have the ending to a story and have to fill in the inside of the story XD


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