The chase!

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Tyler's P.O.V

We started walking through the nether. We had to be very careful because there were random little lava pools everywhere. I heard a couple of sobs up ahead and groaned. Alexis hadn't stopped crying since we found her. Alessa said that it was only because she was a ghast and couldn't help it, but personally I think she was being a wimp! I mean who dosen't stop crying for hours on end? That's it. I told myself. "Will you JUST SHUT UP!" I scream at her. She stared at me in shock. She had stopped crying and was started flying up above us her eyes were turning a darker shade of purple. She was staring at me in fury "What's wrong? Are you gonna cry again!" I taunted her. I was only nice before because I had a chance to turn back to normal now I was getting really annoyed. But then I realized something. She was a ghast and when the other ghasts got mad at me they started to shoot little fireballs at me... Oh god! I realized that she is going to try to shoot me. I ran away from her more like a fast walk since Alessa had said I was some kind of nether zombie. While the others trailed behind her trying to make her stop. She started to shoot me. I saw a fireball coming straight for me. Adam shot his fireball into her's making it explode. I "ran" again and fell into a deep crater.

Okay well I updated before I said I would but at least I updated! vote comment share!0_0


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