The crystal

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The crystal

Alessa's P.O.V
I start to explore the snowy land of Veradania. The land of snow. Olivia and Adam went off to the nearby village to have a mini reunion. I'm starting to wonder. How is someone with fire powers born to a family of snow? How did he live? Did everything melt? Was he shut out? I have a lot of questions but I'll get him to answer them later. In the distance I see something sparkle.
Is it a teleportation crystal!?
If so we might be able to go home, or at least back to Alexis. I run towards it. As I get nearer I realize that it isn't a teleportation crystal. It's a crystal I have never seen before in my life. I get nearer and nearer. I start to reach out and touch it. I shiver. I'm not wearing the right clothes for this wintery land. I recoil my arm and try to regain some heat in it. I reach out again to touch it and when I fall, all I see is white.
You are the see'er a person very important to the darkness and the light. fulfill your destiny and your dreams will be fulfilled for you by the host.

Tyler's P.O.V
Oh joy first the person who cursed me, who I am only helping so I can be a normal human has turned into a cry baby! And now. Her crazy psycho of a friend, and my friend since I was a child, are both gone to some other crazy dimension that is probably so irrelavent to our mission that it's probably a waste of time. I walk forward The girl trails behind but slowly in sorrow. Earlier, I found out I'm a zombie. A nether zombie. So I guess I'm gonna be going really slow for this dumb mission. I see her playing with the portal sphere. Will you quit playing and hurry up! I yell at her. you might say I'm mean but I'm not. Really. But I have this feeling around her, and it's not a good one.

So I just wanted to say That I'm prewritinng these now on wordpad so I can update on time and I wanted to say congrats to my friend @mun2500 for 500 votes on her story the unexplained (500 Freaking votes!!!??) so yah vote comment and share see you gems l8ter 0_0

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