The world

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??? p.o.v

I was free, free at last! Someone had defeated my dad, and released me from this prison otherwise known as the Ender trophy. 17 years I've been trapped in here, destined to take over as the next ender dragon. But I don't want to. I want to be normal. I want to find someone like me. I want to find someone who for the first time in my life. Can actually love me...

??? P.O.V

September. I'm sitting in a coffee shop. I order a latte nothing special. As I sit in my seat and wait for my coffee, a girl walks in. She has brown and purple hair, and she's wearing a black hooded jacket. She walks up to the cashier, she dosen't order. She just stands there and talks to him. The waiter gives me my coffee. As I start to drink she walks out. I watch her through the shop window until she's out of sight. I finish my coffee and leave the shop. I search the streets for her and I find her. I start to follow her. I don't know why I do this every night hoping to catch a glimpse of her face, as she walks through the rain to get home. Maybe because she goes to my school, maybe because no one knows her name, maybe because of anything one thing is for sure though I may never stop doing this. I see her walk into an alley, and see three men come out of the shadows. She fights the supposed leader of them. Winning the fight of course. She has such grace, and momentum when she fights, it's extrordinary. she then runs off. I walk back into the coffee shop and order up a latte.

??? P.O.V

Darkness. Everywhere I-I can't see a thing. I try to run but I run into something flat and fall to the ground.I stand up again. The thing I ran into was a wall made of glass. it's covered with dust. I brush my hand over it to clear a space so I can see out. I'm on the ground I can see people around me. No one is moving. There's blood everywhere. The plane I was on, I-It crashed? I see an ambulance. My stomach feels queazy I faint.

~Timeskip of super awesomeness \@-@/~

I wake up again to see a young man he looks about my age 18 or 19. He carries my gurney up the stairs and into my room. He sets me down and starts to tests me, to see if I got seriously hurt or something I guess. He left briefly to talk to the doctors, I tried to listen in on what they were saying But I only got bits and pieces. I seemed to be fine but, I was in a coma?! Thats why I feel weird like this. I must be inside my head watching everything. He walks back into the room I over heard his name earlier. It's Mitch. Mitch walks over to the chair in the corner of my room and sits down. He just sits there and watches me. Creep. I say to myself. His eyes widen. I wonder what's wrong. I say to myself again. He looks me over. Can he hear me I wonder. H-Hello? I hear the words in my mind, but I don't see him moving his lips. Hi i say back to him. This. This impossible! He shouldn't be able to hear me! Right?

EnderLife Amethyst HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora