flashing back

3 0 0

years ago

i walk over to my locker with my friends simon and kim simon is a blaze hybrid pair that up with a terrible video game player ya that makes a rage filled gamer which makes it even more fun to troll him in video games! kimis a snowman hybrid but instead of being all snow with a human head like a girl i saw earlier in the hallway he is literally a living snowman but since his mother was a snowgirl hybrid his human part keeps him from melting. me? my name is james i am a creeper hybrid i dont explode myself i can spawn tnt on demand it can be hurting tnt or annoying tnt or boost tnt IT CAN BE NUCLEAR TNT!!!!!!!!!!!


i walk out of the house i told sky i was going to go take a walk i run back to where i found that crystal as i explore i hear a rustling sound i shrug it off and continue to search i start to smell something like ... raw fish or like squid? i turn and see the one kind of hybrid i dont like a squid hybrid the only hybrid to side with humans to kill other hybrids i run as fast as i can i hear foot steps behind me crap i think hes chasing me im thrown forward with the wind knocked out of me i see that he had thrown a potion at me every one knows that enders are weak against magic as it is made with evil and sadness i fall trembling on the ground i give up i am not strong i whisper to myself i am a weak useless person no one will care if i got murdered i feel something peirce the skin on my back i black out

i wake up in a cell? i  stand and walk over to the bars and look out i try to teleport multiple times with no avail thats not gonna work you know i turn and see a brown haired girl wearing a red shirt and denim shorts leaning against a wall she walks forward opening her bright blue eyes the names ashley ashley mariee i nod and shake her out streched hand a alesa im alesa i stare at her she seems to be normal no surprising features or anything a are you a h hybrid or ... oh yeah im a penguin hybrid but my human side took over a bit more so i appear normal but i am immune to the cold and when i build something with snow like a snowman (Olaf!) it will actually move and stuff oh my god that is the coolest i exclaim i look around and take in my surroundings theres 2 cells other than ours in this room making a u shape with the door straight ahead of us in the cell to my rigth theres two guys in it one seems to be a snowman and a seemingly normal guy but he might be like ashley i thought to the left is a guy wearing a melon hat with reed eyes like a ghast and a girl with a blindfold and black and yellow shirt and black and yellow shorts thats simon ashley says pointing to the melon hat guy thats baki. the snowman. that girl is lauren and him hes *sigh* martin i nod. HEY GUYS THIS GIRL IS ALESA  the stare at here surprised at her sudden rise of voice volume i hear a couple of hi's and simon and martin wave i shrug and sit down and soon fall asleep

martin's pov


i walk out of my cell and open a portal to the nether when i walk in a zombie tries to talk to me but as he starts to speak i pull a knife out of my pocket and stab him in the heart i walk away from him  and see a girl standing there smiling

end dream

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