The confusion

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Tyler's p.o.v

I wake up in a cold sweat. I feel tired after defeating the dragon. I get out of bed and look at the egg, It's broken. Whatever was in there is gone. I need to find it. I heard flapping out the window. I'm starting to think, that this is not, going to be easy.

I'm chasing it in the forest. It's flying over the trees, and the only way I can know where it is, is the distant sound of it's wings flapping. I listen for the sound again when I realize it stopped flying. I hear a rustling in one of the trees and then, I see the tip of an ender dragon wing, I walk towards the tree getting ready to climb it, but then, a sharp pain hits my body and I collapse to the ground. I am a small shaking pile just lying there unmoving. I realized the Ender "thing" was flying away but then, I saw its glowing purple eyes turn and set on my shaking body. I can see its a girl now and I also see she is flying towards me. This is probably the end of me.

??? P.O.V

I'm at school now. I walk through the dim hallway to go to my classroom. As I do I see a guy who's about my age just staring at me.


I'm at home playing with my friend Jason. He was a year older than me but we still had fun together. We were rollerblading in my front yard and he was helping me not to fall, when suddenly we heard screams from inside of my house.

~End of flashback~

I just stand there and stare back at him. He dosen't move. I shrug my shoulders and walk away.

~Timeskip of awesomeness because school is boring~

I walk out of school it's not raining, so I pull down my hood and start the miserable journey of walking home. When someone grabs my arm. It's him. Hey, um I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee or something later? I stare at him. No one has ever asked me to come over or hangout before except for Jason. S-sure. I say. Just let me go home and do my homework, and I'll meet you there. I say. He nods and walks away. I sigh. This is going to be a long day.

MItch's P.O.V

How .Why. What!? How is this possible! She says. Is she afraid of something? Whats wrong? I say. Oh well lets see: I have almoost died from a plane crash, realized I have a little person in my brain as my temporary body, aaaand found out I have telepathy! with some random dude! and-and... I can't even remember my own name. She says. I immediatly feel bad for asking that question. I-Im sorry i-. Its ok. She says. I can hear her sobbing. Well you can't be nameless. I say trying to change the subject. What do you want to be called? I don't know. Give me ideas. You could be Rebecca or Ann maybe Viera Ruby... Wait stop what did you say? Ruby thats it. Thats what I want to be called! I want to be called Ruby. Ok Ruby. Now lets try to figure out more about you. How old are you? I ask. To try and help her remember. I-I think I'm.. 15? Oh cool I'm 16. I see the doctor walk over to the doorway. I stand up to see what he wants. He takes me away from the doorway and takes me to a different room. He starts to talk. Um.. Mitch. Have you by any chance seen any response from her any at all. Any movement a-a yawn, a twitch anything? Noooo? If i say anything about telepathy they'll send me to the psycho ward. Well look at these scan of her brain. She might be alive, but she took more damage than the other people did internally in fact so much that she may never regain her memory.

There i did it i updated me maryam updated!

and thank you for adventure #515 for EnderLife!

and for action #674 for through my eyes!

i'll see you gems later 0_0


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