The injuries

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Alexis's p.o.v

I see him curled into a ball on the ground. Before he passed out he was staring at me, but it wasn't in hatred, it was in wonder. I felt sad seeing him sprawled out like this on the ground, and his window was still open. I took him inside and sat him in his bed. I found a first aid kit in the washroom cabinet.I fixed his cuts, made a sandwich and ate it. I then sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for him to wake up.

Tyler's p.o.v

I wake up wondering why I'm not dead when I hear someone breathing. I sit up and look around, and then I see her. She's staring at me in awe like i'm a work of art or something. I inch backward on the bed slightly nervous from her black wings, when suddenly. I feel that sharp pain from before I passed out. I fall backward curling up like an injured mouse. She gets off the bed and walks over with a look of concern on her face. "Wha'ts wrong? - she asks. "I dont know. - I say, but then I realize something. "I think the ender dragon cursed the egg or something. When I touched it the curse must've got to me. - A look of realization crosses over her face. She nods but she dosen't say anything. 'What's wrong? - I say worriedly. "When my dad cursed my egg, he didn't just give you a stomach ache... - She says. "What do you mean? I say. "Feel your back." She says looking away as she says it. When I do I feel two tiny dragon wings.

??? P.O.V

I go home and plop down on the couch and turn on the news. I feel the presence beside me, and sigh. Hello mother. Hello. She says as she sits down next to me. My mom had her body cryogenically frozen years ago but she's not a ghost, she didn't die they took her body when she gave birth to me, but she has come and followed me for my entire life. Even when my dad went crazy and left me. I sit up and she follows me into my room. I open the book and start to read. Years ago a man who was evil and crazy, Used to tinker with a special clock that could move backwords and also forwards freezing and forwarding time when he tried to make it go back in time a book apeared and in the book it said: In the year 2020 three girls will combine their powers and break this curse. One will have the name of a gem, but will be trapped in her own mind. The other will live trapped forever in an egg. Each will be freed by their male counterparts, each will achieve their goals, and each will meet each other. But there will be one girl left. A girl who may be a mere human. But will be the most important piece of the puzzle. She is the host, and she will be able to harness each of the elemental powers the other girls posses: darkness, light, and together tranquility. I stop reading I look up to my mother and say: But the time is coming soon. The time when I will unite dark and light to make tranquility on our planet Endstone.

Ruby's P.O.V

I hear their conversation. I know I will never wake up. I know I will never remember. I know I was a mistake. I know that this will be my life forever. Trapped in my own mind.

Soon it will be a few days, then some months then I will have been Trapped a hundred days but for now I will sit quietly in this room waiting.
I start to feel dizzy my body swaying in the forever darkness, when I fall. all I see is white.

You are the light that shines within that can over come any illness any heartbreak and any death you just need to find your light within so you can find your way through the darknesss....




I sit with my sisters at a table with the book on it foretelling our destinies as the heroes of endstone our planet I the youngest was so excited I was 13 at the time my sisters were 15 and 16 my eldest sister was an average human you don't see many of them since most of earth exploded in the nuclear war. A lot happened in those 5 years. My second eldest siter who was 15 was a devil winged Ender with black splotches of the blood of evil and suffering along her arms. Me? I was the most beautiful out of them. I had pink hair and feathered wings. I wasn't an angel like you see in books, I was the light in the darkness.

EnderLife Amethyst HeartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora