Season 2 - The Rise of the Imagined Order

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2 years have passed since Kevin the Cube's extinction. The island was on peace again and a new ultimate group formed and this was Paradime and John Jones's group, called the Imagined Order. John was having visions of the future when the cube was killed and since then he didn't managed to stop all those visions. The visions were talking about a superior object so powerful that can wipe humanity if it was exposed. Paradime was skeptical about what happened and she was shocked that no creatures from Kevin broke out from his lair.

Paradime: Jones, what's the status of the island?

Jones: It's going great ma'am. Everything is under control and no chaos has been happening since Kevin's death.

Paradime: That's good. Keep managing the status of the island and contact me when something happens. I'll be at my headquarters.

Jones: Yes ma'am!

Paradime left the island like a bubble poppin, Jones had a very important job to watch the islands status and maintain peace to the island forever. Little did he know.... A mysterious light is coming at space, a white light is coming to the island and Jones looked it through a telescope and he found a very huge asteroid that will hit the island very soon.... He must act fast....

Jones: Oh god! That asteroid is big enough to make a 93 km wide hole and very deep, and send a very powerful tidal force across the whole island in a single minute.

Jones: By my calculations, this asteroid will hit us in approximately 12 months from now. It's traveling 64,000 MPH towards us and I gotta move.

Jones made a plan to save the island and yes he used the old bunker from Kevin's death and all those people started to be prepared for what happens because in Jones point of view of the asteroid there was something or someone inside that asteroid so he gathered some of the most powerful warriors that the island can offer and they were called I.O Guards. They are going to protect the island if there was a filthy monster in that asteroid.

Jones: All of you were chosen to protect this island from extinction. Are you all ready to risk your lives for the island?!

I.O Guards: YES SIR!

Jones: Good to hear that soldiers....

Jones made an asteroid map and where will the asteroid hit and he was shocked because it was gonna hit in the middle of the island and the middle of the island was important because they stored their powerful bombs inside the vault in there. So Jones made a plan to escort all the bombs away from the vault and transfer here to the I.O Headquarters.

3 days later....

Jones: Yes keep it coming. Put it beside the boxes over there we will build another vault here soon.

I.O Guards was carrying all the bombs to the boxes and secured those things.

I.O Guard Commander: Sir Jones, we secured all the bombs. What should we do now?

Jones: You guys should have some rest I'll still calculate what will be the impact scale.

I.O Commander: Yes sir! Boys let's go!

The I.O Guards were put to rest by Jones and be prepared for the battle soon....

11 months later.....

Jones: All guards with me NOW!

I.O Guards: Yes sir!

Jones: The asteroid is finally gonna end its long journey to our island and it's all of your duty to protect the island no matter what happens. I have full faith on you people.... GO SAVE OUR ISLAND!

I.O Guards: SIR YES SIR!

Jones: Prepare for the battle boys....

I.O Guards: Yes sir!

Jones is very scared of what will happen to the island after the will be hit by the asteroid. He sworn to himself that he will not report this to Paradime and she deserved to rest for her deeds and we will continue the plan.....

The Next Season Awaits You......

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