Season 5 - Rebirth

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Jones was running out of ideas of how to maintain balance into the island and a magical and unexpected thing happened that no one was expecting even Jones....

I.O Troop: Sir Jones! The rift is gone....

Jones: What? *walks outside*

Jones: Oh my god! It's gone! Were saved!


*sky is cracking*

Jones: Huh? LOOK!

I.O Troop: OH MY GOD!

*a mega rift spawned*

Jones: That rift is far more bigger than the last one! What will it do?

*purple electricity coming out of the mega rift*

Jones: Wait? Is that Ke-

*purple electricity splashed into the land*

Jones: AHHH! My eyes!

*fog is clearing*

Jones: What the hell happened? Wait... is that.... Kevin... The... Cube....

*Kevin the Cube was rebirthed*

Jones was shocked about what just happened and the mega rift disappeared after the rift rebirthed Kevin the Cube. Jones was relieved because Kevin was the one who maintained balance from all those years ago and he had an idea to transfer Kevin to loot lake. Jones quickly made a plan to move Kevin to the lake by dawn.

Jones: Wait! How is this even possible?

Jones: I have to call Paradime.

*calls Paradime*

(Phone's perspective)

System: The one that your trying to contact is not reachable.... please try again later....

Jones: What? Pick up Paradime!

Jones: UGH! Useless! i have to make a plan by myself of how to move Kevin to the lake.

For 1 day, Jones finally had an idea of how to move Kevin to the lake. But little did he know Kevin had the same idea as him. It's like Kevin knows what Jones is thinking.

Jones: Huh? Why is Kevin moving on its own? How is that possible?!

Kevin The Cube: jOnEs I lIStEn YoU....

Jones: What? Kevin are you inside my mind?

Kevin The Cube: yEs JoNeS....

Jones: Wow! But how!?

Jones: Okay okay! Please go to loot lake.

Kevin The Cube: i ShAlL lItEn If Im BeInG cOmMaNdEd...

Jones: Good to hear Kevin.

Kevin traveled t across the map and going to loot lake and he arrived shortly after 3 days into his journey going to loot lake. Kevin manage to go to the water and shortly after he melted to loot lake and set the water purple like his color and people cannot swim at loot lake anymore because of Kevin. But Jones knew this would happen and he thinks that its good because right away Kevin is making the island stable again... Atleast that what we thought....

Jones: Look at that. Good work Kevin! Energy readings are going down by 50%.

Jones: Keep doing it Kevin. Were gonna stable this island ourselves.

Kevin successfully stabled the island in a long period of time....

1 year later....

Jones keeps having this visions again when he was a kid but its not the same nightmare when he was a kid. It was an orb of power circling around him and protecting him wherever he went. He woke up very scared.

Jones: What was that orb? What could be coming to the future? What will that orb do?

Jones: Why can't I contact Paradime anymore? What happened to her? I hope she's okay....

Jones was very worried about Paradime but he can't let Paradime down so Jones continued Paradime's plan for many years and it was very peaceful... atleast thats what we thought.....

Next Season Awaits......

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