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I just wanted to clarify that Bella and Enzo have that kind of friendship that they don't have to like say sorry and all of that stuff to be friends again. They could go like 3 months without talking and then come back as if nothing happens, so keep that in mind while you read the chapter. Like if you wonder when they became friends again after he cheated!

Chapter thirteen

Isabella Touche

Adrian fell asleep after a while, he laid in his bed. I sat on the chair nearby and we talked most of the night. 

I had a hard time falling asleep because the chair wasn't comfortable. Adrian offered to let me lay on the bed but I refused. I wanted him to be comfortable. All I wanted to ask Adrian about was, is Draco really a death eater, is it true? And all I could think about was Draco. How nervous he looked in the morning, how he is so...gone sometimes. Everything kinda made sense now.

As I laid my eyes on Adrian sleeping, one blood drip fell from his cut from Draco's punch, I got up and got some paper to wipe it off before it fell on his pillow to make a red mark. That is when Enzo's words flashed through my mind. "Well have you checked? I mean you never know".

My period.

I am late.

This can not be happening. 

I quickly calmed my rapid breath. The quickest way to know if this is all real or not, is to check. Or else I would just be panicking for nothing at all. I kept myself calm while thinking how to find a charm to detect if I was or not. 


The brightest witch in our year. She could help, she must know a spell to check.

I checked the time, 7:22 am, she must be awake.

I left Adrian's room in a hurry and found my way through the cold hallways and dungeons of Hogwarts to the Gryffindor tower. I was taking short but fast steps, I almost tripped on my heels so leaned my hand on the wall and took them off. The ground of the castle was cold, icing and the coldness made me walk faster.

Perfect,  Hermione, Ron and Harry was leaving the tower right when I came.

"Hermione!", I shouted, their heads turned around, their faces was confused.

"You guys go, I'll come later", I heard Hermione say to the boys. They gave me a pointed look before murming in between each other and left to the opposite side.

"Hermione, I need your help", I said as we talked towards each other.

I told her everything,  she was there to help."Even though I am still hungover from last night", she said.

"I'm sorry Hermione, but I simply don't care", I replied despreatly I said to her, while nervously picking around my nails and biting them.

"Granger, I uhm, the bigger problem is that I don't know who the father is", I said and looked at her.

"Bloody hell, Isabella! How could you not know?", she asked, she seemed angry and disappointed.

I ran my cold hands over my nervous face and was shaking my head.

"But I simply can't be preg-. No I refuse to believe it, I don't want to". 

"Okay, so Muggles use this thing called a pregnancy test stick. I am sorry but I can't any charms that could be 100% right, so this is the best thing we have", she said and held up a white stick with something blue at the end.

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