Chapter 12

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Yamaguchi's POV

"Yeah we are," Tsukki straightens and speaks with confidence.

Is Tsukki's older brother mad at the fact we're dating? I know he doesn't hate me. At least I don't think he doesn't hate me. He was always nice to me when I came over..Is he homophobic?? My heart drops to my stomach. I hope he's not. Things between me and Tsukki are finally in a good spot.

"Kei what the fuck is wrong with you?" What is happening right now?

"What the fuck's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tsukki's hand squeezes mine. I can tell he's getting seriously pissed off but I don't know what to do.

"You seriously hurt Yams and know you're dating him? What the fuck? Did you even apologize correctly or did you give him a half assed apology?" He's mad at Tsukki? I thought he would be mad at me..

"Yes I apologized to him correctly. What do you think I am? Heartless?"

"Well yes. You are quite heartless." Akiteru says matter-of-the-factly. He rushes to my side and drags me out of Tsukki's hands.

"Are you okay? Did he force you into this relationship? Blink twice if you need help!" I'm quite surprised. I start to laugh and Tsukki looks pissed.

"Will you fuck off and leave him alone? You're so damn annoying!" Tsukki grabs Akiteru and yanks him away from me. I can't help but laugh. I've never seen Tsukki this worked up before. Hinata and Kageyama can't even get him this worked up.

"Kei I'm just joking around! Jeezz!!" Akiteru starts to laugh. Tsukki just rolls his eyes.

"Akiteru! Kei! What are you guys doing? You better not be fighting again!" Tsukki's mom yells from the kitchen.

"I'm just teasing him mom! We have a guest though!" Suddenly we hear stomping from the kitchen coming closer to us.

"Akiteru you damn idiot. You're gonna get us into even more trouble you moron,"

"Akiteru. Kei. I know you were not fighting like that in front of a guest," Their mom is very scary..

"Sorry mom," They say in unison.

"We'll talk later," Tsukki's mom looks up at me and smiles sweetly "Hi sweety! It's been awhile since you've visited here! Come in and make yourself at home!" Her attitude changed very quickly. She grabs my wrist gently and takes me with her to the kitchen. She passes Akiteru and Tsukki but not without glaring at them. Once we're in the kitchen she turns to me.

"You and Kei are dating correct?" I nod my head "yes" and she takes my hands into hers.

"Please take care of my baby. You've brought so many good things out of him. Please continue to be by his side," I don't know what to say. I just got her approval..additionally she asked me to take care of him. And I've brought good things out of him?

"Yes ma'am. I will," She smiles at me and gives me a hug.

"Thank you," I hug her back. As we pulled away we hear yelling from the living room.

"Akiteru you fucking dumbass! Leave me alone!"

"Kei! That's not how you talk to your older brother!"

"I don't give a fuck if your my older brother! You're fucking annoying!"

"Two can play at that game Kei!"

"Lets go back before they start fighting physically okay?" I nod my head and we head to the living room. Akiteru is sitting on Tsukki's torso while Tsukki is trying to push him on the floor.

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