Chapter 14

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Yamaguchi's POV

I woke up first this morning. I have to run to my house to choose an outfit for me and Tsukki's date today. Once I get to my house I softly walk up the stairs. I'm not sure if my mom has to work today or not. I walk quietly to her room to see she's not in her bed. So she does have work. Or maybe she worked a night shift. Well that's okay. I don't have to be as quiet anymore.

I go into my room and start sorting through my closet. I planned that Tsukki and I would go to a cafe, then shopping, then the park. It's very cliche I know but I think it'll be a nice first date. I want it to be calm so we can enjoy ourselves. Plus I know Tsukki loves strawberry shortcake so I have to include that into our first date. Maybe I can even get him a gift from the shopping center.

After 5 minutes of sorting through my clothes, I decided on brown pants that are cuffed at the bottom with a white dress shirt, a yellow shirt over the dress shirt. I put on some black and white converse to match with my outfit. I grab some extra money and rush back to Tsukki's house.

Tsukki opens the door.

"Where were you?" He looks slightly worried.

"I went to my house to change for our date,"

"Oh okay. Well breakfast is readyand you look really cute..or whatever.." He mumbles out. He's so shy it's adorable.

"Thanks Tsukki! And don't eat! Go get ready!" He starts walking into the house and I follow him.

"Why can't I eat? I'm hungry," He pouts at me. He's such a baby.

"Because we're gonna eat on our date. Now go get changed. And wear casual clothes like me!"

"But Yams-"

"Tsukki," I pout at him. This is our first date so I want to spend the whole day together. Even breakfast. Plus today's Sunday and I have to go back home tonight.

"Okay Okay I'm changing,"

"Okay! I'll be down here waiting!" I sit on the couch and play on my phone for a little. I get a text from Hinata.



Are you doing anything today???





Kags wants to go on a date

But I still wanna make sure Saltyshima is good enough for you

So we can go on a double date!

Tsukki probably wouldn't be that happy about a double date. Especially one with Hinata and Kageyama.




Tsukki might not be happy :/


What if we just spend half our dates together?

I think about it. That could be fun. We could meet in the shopping mall. That way Tsukki won't be aggravated the whole entire time.



That sounds fine

We can meet up at the shopping mall at noon?

It's about 10:30 now so we'll have plenty of time to eat at the cafe and walk to the shopping mall.

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