Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hi everyone! This is my first Wattpad story! I've always wanted to write one and I finally got the inspiration to write one! If you can any criticisms or ideas let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! Now on to the story!!

Tsukkishimas POV

My alarm goes off screaming at me to wake up for morning practice. It's way too early in the morning for this. Nonetheless, I get up and get ready. Once I'm done with my shower I check my phone.

"No notifications? Weird." I say out loud to myself. Usually, once I'm done in the bathroom Yams would have texted me a good morning Tsukki! :) text. I guess he's either sick or woke up late. Then again why should I care? He just follows me around like a lost puppy. He's so annoying. Anyway, I get my bag and head out the door. I skip breakfast, it's way too early to eat.

"I'm heading out!" I yell to my mom in the kitchen who responds with an ok. It's a little chilly outside since fall is just around the corner. It feels good. The chilly air biting at your skin. It's one of my favorite feelings.

Walking my way to school with my headphones in, I reach the place Yams usually is waiting for me so we can walk to school together. Except, he's not here? That's really weird. First, he doesn't text me this morning and next, he doesn't meet where he annoys me all the way to school. I wonder if he's sick and that's why he's not here. But then again, why should I care? This means a peaceful walk all the way to school.

Eventually, my peaceful walk comes to an end as I make my way to the gym. Once I change into my practice clothes for the morning I walk into the gym. I see the annoying orange and the king arguing, as usual. But what isn't usual is Yams is there watching and laughing at them yelling at each other. What? Why is he there with them instead of with me? He's never been with them like that. He stops laughing and looks up at me. We make eye contact for like 3 seconds until he looks away and starts talking to the little pipsqueak. What the hell?

When I was about to walk up to him and ask him what the hell that was, Daichi yells "Come on everyone start warming up!" Tsk, this is so annoying. We all start stretching and Yams is ignoring me and avoiding me the whole time.

"Alright everybody let's start some receiving drills!" I start to walk towards Yams since we always do receive drills together but he partners up with the pipsqueak! What the actual hell is going on? First no morning text, next he doesn't meet me, then he's all of a sudden all buddy-buddy with the two idiots.

The king walks up to me asking me to be his partner. Since I have no other friends than Yams and he's offering, I reluctantly agree.

Doing receives with the king is something I'd rather not ever do again. He wasn't exactly friendly, but he's the king so I wasn't expecting nice from him anyway. But he was just being a dick. I know that's ironic coming from me, however, I'm salty, not a dick. We basically had a glaring contest the whole time. Yeah, never again.

After practice, we went to the changing room to go to class. Yams avoided me the whole time. Like the fucking plague. He left with annoying orange and the bastard king before I could even try to approach him. What is happening? Yams always waits for me and then we walk to class together. You know what? Whatever. I don't care. He can never talk to me again for all I care.

Even though I don't care, I'm following them. They're talking and I wanna know what's so fucking interesting for them to take Yams away from me. I have my headphones in but they're not playing anything. So hopefully I can hear something.

"Are you okay Yamaguchi?" the little shrimp asks.

"Not really, he was glaring at me all of practice," Yams replied in a defeated tone.

"Well, he's the one at fault, not you. I say you keep ignoring him. He doesn't deserve you," the king comforts Yams. What the fuck?! What does he mean by I'm not good enough for Yams. And keep ignoring me? This that bastard king's fault! He's trying to take my Yams away from me! It takes everything in my body to not bunch the asshole in his face.

"You're right Kageyama. Thank you. You to Hinata. If it weren't for you two I wouldn't have anyone to hang out with and I'd probably go back with Tsukkishima," Yams replies gently. What? This is his idea? He doesn't wanna hang out with me anymore? Why? What did I ever do? Yeah I'm a little salty bitch sometimes and I tell him to shut up a lot but I thought he was used to it. I never asked him to follow me and be my friend! And he called me Tsukkishima. He never calls me Tsukkishima. He always calls me Tsukki. I hate that nickname but no matter how many time I told him not to use it. He always called me Tsukki anyway.

"Of course Yamaguchi! We'll always be here for you! You don't have to talk to that meany Tsukkishima ever again if you don't want to!" the pipsqueak yells enthusiastically. Wait, what? Never again?

"Thanks you guys! I really appreciate it!" Yams replies.

Wait, that's what he wants? Am I really losing my only friend? My only best friend? What the fuck is happening?

To be continued

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! How did I do? Let me know in the comments! I'm not sure if I can have a steady upload schedule but I will try my best to update regularly! Until the next chapter!

I'm Sorry - TsukkiyamaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang