Chapter 15

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Yamaguchi's POV

Tsukki and I are leaving the mall hand in hand. Me slightly swinging our hands between us. He doesn't seem too upset which is good. Just slightly annoyed. But the arguments between him and Kageyama was nonstop so I don't really blame him for being annoyed.

"This way Tsukki,"

"Okay," He follows me to the park and I find a spot on the grass and sit down.

"Yams you're gonna get your clothes dirty," I roll my eyes at him.

"It's not a big deal. If it bothers you we can sit on a bench,"

"No it's alright. I'll just lay my jacket on the ground," He does just that and sits next to me. We sit in a comfortable silence for about 30 minutes. The sun is starting to set. We were shopping for a really long time. But I'm glad we're catching the sun set. It's beautiful.



"I love you," I smile and turn to face him.

"I love you too," I give him a peck on the lips. He smiles and pulls me in for another kiss. We share a series of kisses as the sun sets. We pull apart to watch the colors in the sky mix together into a black night sky. I lay my head down on Tsukki's lap while he plays with my hair.

"Thanks for today. I had fun,"

"Even when we were with Hinata and Kageyama?" He scoffs and I laugh.

"Even with the king and annoying orange," I smile at him.

"I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too,"

"That's good," We continue to talk about everything we did today and everything that happened. I tease Tsukki about when he got jealous in the café. He teases me about when I nearly knocked an elderly woman over in the mall. We laugh and smile for 2 hours under the night sky.

"Yams, have I ever told you that your freckles remind me of the night sky?"

"Hm? No? Why do they remind you of the night sky?"

"Because your freckles look like the stars dusted across the sky at night. And they're beautiful," My face rises in temperature.

"W-what are you saying? They don't look like stars. I don't really like them that much," Tsukki makes a face of complete offence.

"I love your freckles. They're adorable," My face gets a little hotter.

"But no one else has them. They're weird,"

"That just makes you so much more unique and I love that. I've always loved you're freckles,"

"Thanks Tsukki.."

"Of course angel," We sit for another 5 minutes in silence.



"Can you sit up for me?" I give him a look of confusion but I sit up anyways. He sits directly in front of me.

"Can you close your eyes?"


"Just do it please," I sigh and close my eyes. I'm holding on to Tsukki's forearms to make sure he's still there and also for balance. (A/N Fun fact! Balancing is harder when you close your eyes!) Tsukki's lips meet my cheek. Then he moves a few centimeters on my face and kisses that spot as well. He does it again and again.

"Tsukki what are you doing?"

"Is it making you uncomfortable?" It's not. It's actually causing a lot of butterflies right now.

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