Chapter 13

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Tsukishima's POV

I feel the sun shining in my eyes as I wake up. I go to grab my glasses off my nightstand but I feel weight on top of me. Yams is laying on my chest with his arms around my torso. We must've flipped positions in our sleep. Well now I can't get up. I take this moment to really look at Yams. His skin looks so smooth. I move one of my hands slowly to his cheek and rub his cheek gently with my thumb. His skin is smooth. And soft.

I move my hand from his cheek to his freckles that are dusted along the bride of his nose to his higher cheeks. His freckles are so cute. They make him look so unique. They remind me of the stars that are scattered across the sky at night. I should definitely set up a date where we go stargazing...yeah that'd be nice.

I sit there observing Yams as he sleeps. He looks so vulnerable..He's drooling a little from the corner of his mouth. I'd usually find this disgusting, especially since he's drooling on me, but when Yams does it, it's adorable. I move my hand to his hair and comb through it with my fingers. His hair is probably the most unique thing about him. I've never seen someone with such a unique hair color. It's greenish brownish. When I first saw it I thought he dyed it, but later he told me it was his natural hair color. That's why he was bullied. His hair and freckles were different, and what do people do when they see something different? They make fun of it.

I never understood why Yams got bullied so much. I mean yeah his features are definitely different but that's not a reason to bully someone. We can't control our physical appearance. Plus he's the sweetest person I know. He's so selfless. He never complains. He always just goes with the flow no matter what. He's never mean to anyone. So why would they bully him? I thought about it a little more as I was still playing with his hair. I still don't know the answer. Perhaps it was his physical features, or maybe it was his kind personality, perhaps it was both. Whatever the reasoning for his bullying, he definitely didn't deserve it.

His bullying has impacted his self esteem and confidence. He has nearly none of it. He's extremely insecure of his looks. He is also insecure about his abilities in volleyball and school. Everything he does, he does it with no confidence whatsoever. I want to change that. I want him to become more confident. I want to help raise his self esteem. He's absolutely amazing and he doesn't even see it. I'll protect him from now on. I won't let anyone bother him or make fun of him. I won't let anyone hurt him. He's my boyfriend and I'll protect him.

I look at him still sleeping on my chest, my fingers still tangled in his hair. My other arm is around his waist. I smile at his sleeping form. I'll make him happy and keep him happy. I lean forward to land a kiss on his forehead. He stirs a little but doesn't wake up. I hear my bedroom door open a little. I look up to see who it is but I can't see anything. There's just a blob. Right, I don't have my glasses on. Whoever it is I just hope it's not Akiteru.

"Awwwww. Look at my little brother and his boyfriend getting all cuddly together! I didn't know you had such a soft spot Kei," Fucking of course. He just has to stick his ass into my business.

"Leave," I speak softly, not wanting to wake the angel on my chest.

"Dude chill. No need to be so hostile geez. Are you gonna get up soon?"

"I don't know. I'll get up when Yams gets up,"

"Aww look at you wanting to be a good boyfriend. I'm so proud. I taught you well!" He is getting louder and louder. At this rate he'll wake my angel up.

"Whatever. And will you shut up? He's trying to sleep," The blob that has the voice of my annoying brother starts to get bigger. Like he's walking towards me.

"What are you gonna do if I wake him up? Hmmm?" He's not even trying to be quiet. I give my hardest glare to the blob.

"Wake him up and you die," The blob starts to get smaller like it's moving away.

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