Chapter 4

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(A/N) Hello everyone! I just realized I've been spelling Tsukki's name with 2 ks instead of just one! It's fixed in this chapter and it'll be correct in the upcoming chapters! I'm sorry about that error! Anywayys to the story! Thank you for reading!

Yamaguchi's POV

After calming down a little bit, Kageyama and Hinata offer to walk me home. I decline them though. I don't want them to go too far out of their way. Daichi, Suga, Hinata, and Kageyama make me promise them to text them if anything happens. With that I start to walk home.

The walk home was very weird. Without having Tsukishima here beside me to talk to, it feels kind of lonely. But I can't let a little loneliness take me back to where I was. To the me who was pushed around by Tsukishima everyday, who followed him like a lost puppy, who always listened to him no matter how mean he was. No, I refuse to return to that.

After an eternity, I finally arrived home.

"I'm home!" I called out to my mom.

"Welcome back Tadashi. Go get washed up so you can eat,"

I walk upstairs and start a shower. Once I'm done I go downstairs for dinner. I thank my mom for the food and start eating. After the events at practice, I'm really hungry.

"Tadashi, Tsukishima came over just before you got home. He said he really needed to talk to you. So once you're done with your homework you should give him a call," my mom suggested to me. I feel my throat close up. I really don't want to talk to him.

"Okay mom. I will," I replied. After I finish dinner and my homework, the moment I've been dreading since dinner. I have to call Tsukishima. I feel my throat close up again. I just have to get through this one phone call and that's it. I can do this. I am not afraid of Tsukishima. I grab my phone and dial his number. He only takes a second to pick up.

"Hello? Yams?" he answers. His voice sounds rough. Like he had been screaming for the past hour. I swallow my fear and talk.

"Yes it's me. My mom said you needed to talk to me about something?" I tried to will my voice to be steady but it wasn't happening.

"Yeah. Um. Yams..what did I do?" he asked me over the phone in a hushed voice. I can't believe he just asked me that. Does he really not remember what he did a week before this? How could he forget?

"You seriously don't remember. So I guess I really mean that little to you Tsukishima?" I question him slowly getting angry. How could he not remember?

"Yams please...stop calling me Tsukishima..please call my Tsukki...I miss it.." he sounds like hes breaking slowly.

"I can't. Not after what you said to me..besides you hate it anyway.." he really doesn't remember.

"I don't know what I said...but I'm sorry..Yams please forgive me.." He doesn't even know what he did and he expects me to forgive him? Ha. Hilarious. This is one of the reasons why I'm separating myself from him in the first place. It hurts a lot. Because I really like Tsukkishima. I've liked him for a while. But I have to get rid of these feelings.

"No I won't forgive you. How do you expect me to forgive you when you don't even know what you did? You really think I'm just some puppet on a string that you can just control and do your will? You think that my feelings aren't valid? Only yours? I am not some lost puppy anymore! I'm done blindly following you just because I thought you were cool in middle school! Tsukishima you're not cool anymore! You're a lame, selfish, bitchy, rude, and terrible person and I never wanna talk to you ever again. So don't bother me and leave Hinata alone! The next time you touch him I will report you to the school and you'll get kicked out of the volleyball club! So just leave me alone! I started off quiet and only got louder and louder. By the end I was screaming at him with tears streaming down my face. I never wanted this, and doing this hurts like hell.

"P-please...Y-Yams...don't l-leave me...p-please.." Tsukishima was crying at this point. I didn't want to feel anything. I wanted to not care that I just made the boy I love cry. It hurts to hear his sobs coming from my phone. But there's nothing I can do now. I'm done taking his shit.

"Bye Tsukishima" I say calmly and end the call. Tears are still streaming down my face. I did it. I just cut him off. I should be happier. But I can't ignore this pain deep in my heart. I lie down on my bed and cover up with my covers and cry myself to sleep. This is the worst.

To be continued

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know how the story is going! Until the next chapter! <3

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