Chapter 3

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Yamaguchis POV

After Tsukkishima stormed out of the classroom. I wiped my eyes and went back to my desk. Everyone in the room was watching my every move. I grabbed my lunch and turned back to Hinata and Kageyama.

"Ready to go?" I asked them. They both shook their heads, yes and we left.

We're walking to the side of the gym where everyone usually eats lunch. Once we arrive the whole team is there. Except for Tsukkishima of course. We go to sit down and everyone greets us.

"Hey Yamaguchi! You've never sat with us before. You've always been with Tsukkishima," Daichi says.

Everyone else agrees by nodding their heads. I smile at them and begin eating. Because of the whole encounter earlier everyone else already starting their lunch. Hinata taps me on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" he whispers to me. I nod my head and smile at him. He continues to look at me like he doesn't believe me. But he leaves it and joins Tanaka's and Nishinoya's conversation about who knows what. Suga must have heard the exchange between me and Hinata because he's staring at me. Intensely. I try to smile at him but his stare doesn't falter.

"Yamaguchi, can you come with me to the vending machines? I dont want to go alone," Suga asks me. I know I probably won't have much of a choice so I nod my head and get up to catch up to Suga. After we're a good distance away from the team, Suga turns towards me.

"What's going on Yamaguchi?" he asks me in a tenderly way. Before I get a chance to reply he speaks again "And don't lie. I know something's up."

I sigh. I knew I couldn't hide anything from him. Even if I smiled all day he would know something's wrong. I start to tell him what happened earlier during lunch while we were walking to the vending machines. Once we arrive I'm done telling him and I'm trying to hold back my tears.

"So Tsukkishima's being a sensitive little jerk who can't say his feelings so instead he just acts aggressive and acts like he doesn't care?" Suga asks me like he just said the meaning to life. I nod my head since I don"t trust my voice.

"Well, why are you ignoring Tsukkishima in the first place?" Suga asks me the question I dreaded most. I didn't want to answer this question at all. Suga's looking at me with caring eyes. Eyes that say you can tell me and everything's gonna be ok. I take a shaky breath and start telling him everything.

Tsukkishima's POV

The bell rings signifying that lunch is over. I sigh and stand up. Slowly making my way off the roof and to the classroom. When I walk in I keep my gaze at the floor. I can feel the stares of everyone on me. Dammit. Now it's all over school. I slide into my desk and put my head down. Yams is in front of me. Again he didn't say anything to me at all. Tsk.

The teacher walks in and goes to start class. All the starts that were on me slowly leave as the teacher calls for everyone's attention. I take my head off my desk, only to be met with the back of Yams' head. Not once did he look at me. And it hurts.

(Time skip to after school practice)

I walked to the gym alone and changed. I walked into the gym to see the same sight I saw this morning. Yams laughing at shrimpy and the king. The sight disgusted me and just looked away. I walked to the other side of the court and started stretching.

"Okay everyone today we're gonna be working on serves first and then we'll be working on blocks and spikes!" Couch Ukai yells to everyone. We all filter in a line and at first I was behind Yams. Then his knights in shining armor shrimpy and the king come in front of me like I'm gonna attack him. I roll my eyes and continue looking straight. I don't want another incident like this morning happening again. Suga came in line behind me and just stared at me. He never took his eyes off me. I tried my best to ignore it but eventually, it was getting on my nerves.

"Suga is anything wrong?" I ask him as I turn around to face him.

"No Tsukkishima. Is there anything wrong with you?" Suga asks back, arching his eyebrow. He asked me like he already knew or he was looking for something. Or a little bit of both. I shook my head no and looked back at the front. This whole day is just pissing me off.

After we finished serving we started spiking and blocking. While someone would spike someone else would try to block. We would rotate so everyone got a chance to spike and block. Nishinoya and Daichi would try to receive any of the balls we spiked, blocked, or failed to block. The whole time Yams didn't look at me at all. He ignored me the whole practice.

Once practice was over we all went back to change. I tried to change fast so I could catch Yams. He didn't walk with me to school today so I doubt he'll walk home with me. Once I finished I waited outside for him to come out. I was hoping he came out alone so I could talk to him but of course the two imbeciles had to be with him. Tsk.

"Yams," I called out to him, "Can I talk to you...privately." I tried to sound as polite as I possibly could.

Before he could even reply annoying orange had to reply for him "No! Anything you say to him you can say in front of us! Right, Kageyama?!" "Thats right," the king replied to the shrimp. They're so annoying. Why can't they just leave.

"I wasn't talking to you shrimp. How about you mind your own damn business," I say to them with venom. I'm tired of their games and I'm not playing them. I looked at Yams and avoided eye contact with me.

"Tsk. Yams would you please just talk to me," I pleaded to Yams. By now most of the team is done changing and coming out of the changing room. I'm waiting for him to say something or do something. Anything. I'm getting a little bit desperate. A little too desperate. I lose my patience for the second time today and walk up to Yams and take his wrist. I start to drag him away from the gym so we could talk privately. But of course, I didn't get far.

"Tsukkishima stop now," Suga commanded me. I was not expecting that from him. I stopped and turned around. Yams' wrist still in my grasp.

"I just want to talk to him," I confess to now the whole team who is outside.

"Well, he doesn't wanna talk to you! Right Yams?" the shrimp yells. Wait Yams? That's my nickname for him! He can't call him that! I look back at Yams to see that he nodded his head and started to move his wrist from my hand. He answered them calling him Yams and he's saying he doesn't want to talk to me?

The shrimp and the king both walk past me to get to Yams. I don't even know what to think right now. I turn around quickly and grab the shrimp by his annoying orange hair.

"This is none of your fucking business and since when can you call him Yams!" I scream in his face. By now Daichi, Suga, and Kageyama are yelling at me and trying to get me off the annoying little shit. Once they do Daichi stands in front of me.

"Tsukkishima go home and cool off," Daichi says in a deep commanding tone. Then I realize the whole team saw everything. I look up to see my Yams crying with Suga and the king comforting him while Nishinoya and Tanaka are checking on the shrimp. What did I just do? Was all this just out of rage? I don't reply. I just go around Daichi and start walking home.

To be continued

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Until the next chapter!

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