Chapter 7

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Yamaguchi's POV

After class I go to meet up with Kageyama and Hinata to walk to our spot at lunch where we meet with the rest of the team. But they're not there? Maybe they're making out in the bathroom again? That's probably it. They're very touchy with each other.

I walk to the side of the gym for lunch. When I get there Hinata and Kageyama aren't there. Maybe they're being extra touchy today.

"Hi Yamaguchi!" Suga greets me. I smile and wave back. I sit down and start eating. Nishinoya and Tanaka are having a chugging competition. This is definitely gonna end up with someone throwing up their lunch. I just watch in amusement but I feel like someone's watching me. I turn my head to see Suga staring at me. It's making me a little uncomfortable.

"Suga? Is something on my face?" He shakes his head "no" and starts to talk to Daichi. That's weird? Whatever. I'm not gonna dwell on it.

15 minutes pass and Hinata and Kageyama still aren't here. What's taking so long? Should I go look for them? As soon as I have these thoughts, they both start walking towards us.

"Hinata!!" Nishinoya yells and starts to run towards Hinata.

"Noyaa!!" Hinata shouts in return and starts to run towards Nishinoya. Both boys clash into each other as they hug and scream each other's names. They're so weird. Kageyama looks like he could throw Nishinoya off a cliff. He's so possessive. I wonder if Tsukishima would be I don't need to think about him like that. He doesn't love me. He hates me. He said it himself.

I feel tears start to prick at my eyes. Dammit, I can't cry here. Not in front of the team. I already did that once and I don't wanna do that again.

I try to stop the tears but they just start to gather more. I need to get out of here.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I mutter out and get up. I start running to the bathroom. Hopefully no one's following me.

I make it to the bathroom and go into a stall. I check the time on my phone. 12:28. Lunch is almost over and I left my lunch stuff. It's fine. I'll just get it at practice. The tears start rolling down my face.

I try to hold in my sobs and stop crying before the bell rings. It hurts so much. I want to still be with Tsukishima. I miss him so much. But he doesn't care about me at all.

I hear the bathroom door open. I freeze. I don't want anyone knowing I was crying in the bathroom. I hold my breath and wait for that person to leave.

"Yams?" That voice belongs to...Tsukishima? What is he doing here? Does he know I'm in here? How did he know? I can't face him right now! He's the reason I'm in here!

"Please let me talk to you. And this time I'll be calm. I swear," He wants to talk to me? Why? I thought he didn't care? He doesn't care!

"Ok, that sounds good," I hear the bell signaling for people to start going to class. Tsukishima walked out of the bathroom and I let out the breath I was holding. I'm not sure what his intentions are but I have a feeling I shouldn't have heard that. Whatever, I need to hurry and get to class before I'm late.

I arrive in the class and sit down in front of Tsukishima. He didn't look at me or say anything. Oh well. I got my hopes up for no reason...again.

Tsukishima's POV

After class I started walking to the changing room. I've decided I'm gonna try to talk to Yams after practice. I know that everything isn't gonna just go back to normal after an apology or explanation. I'm gonna have to work for his trust and forgiveness. And I'm ready to do that.

Time skip to after class

I walk into the gym to see the king and the orange arguing like they always do. They're so annoying and loud. I wish they'd shut up. They notice I walked in and they start walking towards me. I really wish I didn't have to work with them.

"So whats your plan?" the king asks me.

"I plan on talking to him after practice,"

"That's it? Really Saltyshima? I thought you'd have a better plan than that!" This little tangerine can really be a pain in my ass.

"We're gonna pair you guys up for warm ups and anything else we can for practice. That'll work better," They're gonna make this awkward.

"Fine whatever,"

"Oh and Saltyshima?" I look at him. What the hell does he want now? "I want some meat buns after practice. And Bakayama wants some milk too!" I could pick him up and throw him across the room by his hair right now. I just nod my head and walk away. They're so damn annoying.

"Okay everyone! Start your warm ups! Today we'll be working on receives, blocks, and serves!" Coach Ukai yelled. Kageyama and Hinata paired up like they usually did before Yams started avoiding me. Everyone else paired up with their usual partners for warm ups. It was just me and Yams.

"Yams, do you wanna partner up?" I ask gently. I don't wanna be mean to him anymore. I have to get him back.

"I guess we have to," He doesn't sound too happy. This might be a little harder than I thought.

We did our warm ups in silence. It was definitely the most awkward silence we'd ever had. Usually our silences were comfortable. But not anymore. I miss the old days.

Time skip to after practice

After practice I go into the changing room to change. Once I come out, I'm met with the king and the shrimp. We wait outside in a weird silence to say the least. It's obvious they're dating but they're trying not to show it in front of me. Especially since I caught them with their tongues down each other's throats.

Eventually Yams finally walks out. Well it's now or never.

"Yams! Saltyshima here has something to ask you!" The little annoying shrimp, putting me in the spotlight like that.

Yams looked surprised and turned towards me. I miss his face so much. I miss all his cute little freckles. Those chocolate brown eyes that have such a soft look in them. He's such a kind soul. His greenish/brownish hair. I've never seen hair like his before. He's so unique. He's beautiful.

"Um, Tsukishima? You needed something?" His voice is so soft and caring. I could listen to him talk all day. I miss hearing his voice everyday and his stories and dumb jokes. He's so cute.

"Uh, yeah. Um...can I talk to you? Kageyama and Hinata can come along too..I promise I'll be peaceful and I won't yell or fight" I somehow mutter out. What if he says no and wants to never talk to me again? He's not saying anything. Maybe this was a mistake. Dammit, did I really lose him forever?


I have a chance. I can fix this. I can get my Yams back.

To be continued

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading! How's the story so far? Let me know! Until the next chapter! <3

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