Chapter 2

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Tsukkishima's POV

I froze in place. Yams wants to stop being my friend. But why? I never did anything! At least, I don't think I did. I don't even know what to do right now. I've stopped walking and my only friend is walking away with two idiots who I wish I could punch in their stupid faces. And he didn't even glance back at me.

I stand there for what feels like hours. It must have only been five minutes because Suga pats me on the back asking me what's wrong. I shake my head and start walking again. Yams was long gone by now. I play music in my headphones as I walk to my class that I am now dreading. On the outside, I look like my usual self. With my stone face covering my features on my face. But on the inside, I'm conflicted.

I want to be happy. Happy that Yams isn't following me like a lost dog anymore. Happy that I don't have to listen to his stupidity or help him study. But I'm not. I'm not happy at all. I'm angry and sad. It feels like I was slapped in the face. I feel betrayed.

I eventually make it to my class and Yams is sitting at the desk in front of mine. I walk to my desk and he doesn't say good morning, he doesn't even look at me. My stomach sinks. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I thought he would at least acknowledge me. I guess I was wrong.

I sit at my desk behind him and sit my head down on my desk with my headphones still on. I debate talking to him. I want to know why he's ignoring me but then again why the hell should I even care? Tsk, this whole thing is just so annoying.

When I finally make up my mind to talk to him the teacher walks in and starts today's lesson.

(Time skip to lunch)

Finally, it's lunchtime. I couldn't focus on any of my classes at all. The only thing that was on my mind was him. Why is he doing this? I know I'm not the best person around, which is why I have no friends, but I thought he was different. I guess I was wrong.

I decided to wait before I got up to go to lunch. I wanted to see if maybe Yams will turn around with his smile and tell me it was all just a prank. But that never happened. Instead what did happen was the two idiots came into the classroom.

"Hi Yamaguchi!!" yells the pipsqueak.

"Hello Hinata!" Yams softly replies. After Yams replied I just stare at his back. So he's ignoring me but talking to them? Tsk.

I look away from Yams only to see the king and annoying orange glaring at me. The king is to be expected but annoying orange too? The hell is happening.

"The hell you glaring at king? Upset I refuse to be one your pathetic servants?" I spit at the king. He scoffs and walks closer to my desk.

"Well four-eyes what's wrong with you? Upset that your little servant is no longer following you?" he spits back at me. At this point, I snap. I stand up and grab the collar of his shirt. We glare at each other straight in the eyes. The anger I feel at this very moment is anger that I've never felt before in my life.

"H-hey no need t-to get violent o-okay?" Yams stutters trying to calm us down. At this point, everyone left in the room is staring at us.

"Tsk, whatever," I reply and let the king go. I walk around him and grab Yams' wrist and yank him out of his chair.

"H-hey T-Tsukkishima, what a-are you d-doing?" Yams stutters in a panicked voice. I don't answer. I'm pissed and I just want my Yams back.

"Hey! You let him go Tsukkishima! You can't force someone to go with you if they don't want to go!" the shrimp jumps in front of me.

"Shut up," I spit at him and push him out the way with my other hand. He lands on the ground with a thud and all the students around us gasp.

"Tsukkishima!" the king yells at me. I don't care. I just want to eat lunch with Yams while he talks the whole time about useless crap. Suddenly, I feel Yams resisting, like a lot. I can barely drag him anymore. I turn around to see tears threatening to fall from his eyes. My heart drops. Why is he...crying?

"Tsukkishima stop. I don't want to go with you and I won't let you hurt my friends," Yams chokes out. I don't know what to do.

"Tsk whatever. I didn't want you to come with me anyway. Go with your stupid friends. I don't care," I replied angrily. I walk out to the rooftop and sit down. I remember I didn't bring my lunch nor my headphones. Tsk, so annoying. But it's not like I felt hungry anyway.

I sit on the roof and look at the people in the courtyard. Everyone down there is talking, eating, and laughing with their friends. While I'm here all by myself. I had a best friend once. But I guess now he left me all by myself again.

Tsk. So fucking annoying.

To be continued

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading! How was it?? Let me know in the comments! Until the next chapter!

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