Chapter 16

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Yamaguchi's POV

I'm not letting this happen. I'm finally happy and I won't let her do this to me just because she doesn't think people can change. I'm tired of being a pushover and I'm better than this. I can stand up for myself. And now is the time I do that.

Tsukki lets go of my hand and gets up to leave.

"Okay ma'am I'll leave. I'm so-"

"No Tsukki. You sit back down. You're not going anywhere,"


"Tsukki. Sit," He sits back down on the couch next to me.

"Tadashi wha-"

"Mom I'm sorry. I love you but I won't let you do this,"


"I love Tsukki and he loves me. And if you can't accept that fact just because of your own personal opinions then I'm sorry. You'll just have to deal with it. I'm finally happy and I finally got with the person I love and I will not let you destroy that. You know when he was trying to get my forgiveness back he got up super early to meet me at our meeting place?"


"I'm not finished. He ate lunch with me with the rest of the volleyball team. He's not afraid to show affection in public or in front of the team. He made a deal with Hinata and Kageyama, who he can't stand I might add, just to fix everything. He took responsibility for everything he did and never tried to make me take the blame of 'I'm too sensitive' or 'It wasn't that serious' like most people do. He told me that he wants me to become confident in myself and made me feel beautiful even with my freckles and unusual hair color. He's made me feel so happy and secure. And I love him and he's shown that he loves and cares for me as well. He's changed so many of his habits and even went to do things he doesn't like just for me. And if that isn't enough for you then that's too bad,"

My mom is looking at me with wide eyes. She stares at me for about 5 minutes.

"Tadashi.." She starts to tear up a little. Did I just make my mom cry? Oh no. No no no. Now I feel bad! But it had to be said. I won't let her do this to me.

"I'm so proud of you.." Huh? I wasn't expecting that.


"You stood up not only for yourself but also your relationship. The old Tadashi would have just let me kick Tsukishima out and break up with him just because I said so," So this was what? An experiment? But why though?

"But why?"

"Well I wanted to see if Tsukishima here was actually helping with your confidence and self esteem and it seems like he is. He's not harming you, he's helping you, I can't believe that just happened. I turn to look at Tsukki who's looking at me with a shocked expression.

"Tsukishima, I apologize for yelling at you,"

"It's okay ma'am," Wait wait wait. What the hell? I can't even process this..all that was a test?

Tsukki's phone starts to ring and I'm assuming it's his mom. My mom starts talking to his mom explaining why he's late going home.



"Did you mean what you said?"

"Of course I do. If I didn't mean it I wouldn't say it. I'm not like you Tsukki," I laugh as Tsukki glares at me. My mom hangs up the phone and gives it back to Tsukki.

"I got your mom's permission for you to sleep over here tonight since it's so late. You still have an extra uniform here right?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Okay, you boys can go upstairs. I'll probably have to go out and get something for dinner. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's okay mom. Thanks,"

"Okay boys I'll be back. And no funny business!"


"Bye sweetheart!" With that she leaves out the front door. Tsukki and I are alone in my house.

"Well are we gonna go upstairs?"

"Yeah let's go," We walk up the stairs into my room. Tsukki sits on my bed and I go to sit at my desk.

"What are you doing?"


"I know but why there?" I smirk at him. I know what he wants. He probably wants cuddles. I'm gonna tease him a little bit.

"Because it's a chair and people sit in chairs Tsukki," He glares at me. He knows exactly what I'm doing.

"Well I think you should sit somewhere else,"

"Oh really? Where is that?"

"Stop playing around and come sit beside me so we can cuddle," I laugh at him.

"But it's so far away.." He tsked and got up. He came and picked me up bridal style out my chair at my desk and carried me to my bed. He laid me down carefully and laid on top of me so his head was resting on my chest.

"Are you comfortable Yams?"

"Yeah. Are you comfortable?"





"Can you play with my hair?" I smile at him.

"Of course Tsukki," I start to gently stroke his hair. He sighs and closes his eyes.

"You tired Tsukki?"


"Okay. You can go to sleep. I'll wake you up when my mom gets back,"

"Okay," Before he goes to sleep I slip his glasses off his face so he can sleep comfortably. He soon drifts to sleep as I play with his hair softly. He's sleeping lightly. Tsukki's always been a light sleeper.

Sometime while I was playing with his hair, I drifted off to sleep as well. My mom came back and woke us up to eat. She's fine with our relationship. She's actually really happy about it. She had a talk with Tsukki but he won't tell me anything about what she said. Well she didn't scare him off so I guess it doesn't matter too much what she told him.

I hope we last a long time. I really love him and I'm so happy with him. Well...we'll see what happens...

To be continued...

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading! Thank you so much for 468 reads! I really appreciate you reading my story and I hope it's really good! Words can't even explain how happy I am! Thank you so much!

I would like to bring attention to Chile right now! Chile is on fire and not much coverage to going towards that. Please share this information try to help in any way you can! Simply letting others aware of this situation is helpful!

The next chapter is going to be the last chapter! Thank you so much for reading my first fan fiction! I never imagined people would actually read it! Thank you so much! The last chapter should be up around Wednesday or Thursday of this week! Until the last chapter! <3

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