Chapter 17

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Tsukishima's POV

2 Years Later...

Tadashi and I are now third years. We're still on the volleyball team. And me and Tadashi are still together. We've had our arguments and tough moments but we got through them. There was only one time we were seriously gonna break up but thankfully we didn't. Other than that the rest of the fights weren't entirely serious.

We've been dating for about 2 years now. I'm really happy. And Tadashi is also very happy. He never fails to let me know how happy he is everyday. Even if I may seem annoyed with him telling me that everyday, it actually makes me happy and keeps me secure that I'm not pushing him away. We've tripped up on our communication sometimes but we've got it together. Tadashi tells me whenever I'm being a dick and I let him know whenever I need some alone time. When we go to each other with these problems we never argue. We talk about it and then keep going.

Tadashi has become a lot more confident. He's now the captain of our team. And he's a great leader. He keeps everyone calm and motivated. Not only does he help the team on the court but also out the court. I'm really proud of him. He's not as shy or timid anymore. He stands up not only for himself but for others also. Unfortunately that also applies to king and half-pint but nonetheless I'm still proud of him. He's come so far.

I've become a little bit less salty. Only because Tadashi is here to so called "keep me in check" as the tangerine likes to name it. Him and king are still fucking annoying as hell. But we've all grown closer together and we're a pretty tight knit group. I would never admit this out loud ever but I'd even consider king and the annoying orange as friends. Ever since our first double date thingy we've done those a lot more. Don't get me wrong, me and king still argue a lot. It's just like friendly arguing.

"Kei!" Tadashi waves at me from the gym. I wave back. He's really grown up. I guess we've all grown up, physically and mentally. The orange grew the least physically and mentally. He's just a child. King grew a little more but he's basically still a child. I guess in that way they are perfect together. Just two idiots being dumbasses together. Tadashi grew the most physically and mentally. He really thrived these past two years.

"Hi Kei! How are you?" He hugs me and I lean down and give him a peck on the lips.

"I'm good Tadashi. How are you?" We intertwined our fingers as we started our walk home.

"I'm good now that I can spend time with you," He smiles at me.

"Caption's getting all mushy again!" One of the second years teases. I roll my eyes.

"You want extra laps tomorrow?"

"No caption!"

"Alright then," His confidence? Through the roof. How attractive? Hella attractive. Hotel? Trivago. (A/N I'll see myself out now-)

"Aww Yams don't treat them like that!" An annoying high voice squeaks out. Ugh. It's the annoying orange.

"Yeah Yams. That's an abuse of power,"

"Wow I'm surprised you even know what that phrase means. I'm pretty sure that's beyond your vocabulary,"


"Or what king? You gonna blow a fuse? I'm not sure your puny mind can handle another fuse gone,"


"Or what short stuff? You gonna fight me? Please you're not even half my height. I could literally step on you,"


"Oh really? You grew like what..5 centimeters? That's barely growing. But wait your dumb too so you probably don't know that 5 centimeters isn't that much,"


"ENOUGH!" We all stop and look at Tadashi who is looking at us with disappointed faces. He turns to the second and first years.

"Don't end up like them please,"

"Don't worry captain! We won't!" I just scoff. End up like what? It's not me, it's the two idiots.

"Okay! It's time to go home! Leave so we can go! I'm hungry!" The second and first years start gathering their stuff and leaving in groups of 2 or 3 until it's just us left here.

"Yachi! You wanna hang with us?"

"Sorry! I can't today! I have a date,"

"Oh okay! Have fun!" She waves and runs off.

"Well you wanna go to the convenience store Kei?"

"Yeah let's go,"

"We wanna come too!"


"Of course you guys can come. We can't exactly stop you from going to the convenience store," I scoff. Tsk, can't they just leave us alone.

"Yay! Is Saltyshima paying?"

"Why the hell would I pay?"

"Because you made a deal with us!"

"That was two fucking years ago let it go!"







"Will you two cut it out? You're acting like children?"

"Sorry Yams. You say sorry too Saltyshima!"

"Will you shut up?"

"Say sorry!" I know he's not gonna shut his trap until I say sorry so I raise Tadashi's hand to my lips and kiss it.


"It's fine Kei. Now let's hurry up! I'm hungry!" We walk to the convenience store. Not without little petty arguments but we make it there. Of course the two asses make me pay for everything. We all walk to the park and find a spot on the grass and sit down. We talk, yell, laugh, and argue.

To think that none of this would have happened if Tadashi didn't start ignoring my stupid ass. If he didn't ignore me I probably still wouldn't have acknowledged my feelings, our little friend group we have probably wouldn't be so close as we are right now, and I wouldn't be this happy or relaxed right now. I'd probably still be the same dick I was 2 years ago. I'm still salty, I mean I can't get rid of my image. But back then I was just a dick.

I'm glad that everything happened. I'm also glad that everything is the way it is now. Everything feels in place and at peace. Everything right now is perfect. And it all started with an angel standing up for themselves and a stubborn french fry finally saying the words "I'm sorry".

The End

(A/N) That's the end! Thank you so much for reading my book all the way to the end! This is my first fanfiction and I appreciate every read, vote, and comment. It all means so much to me. Thank you so much!

If you like KuroKen check out my other story called "Life's Just A Game"!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting my story! I love and appreciate all of you! <3

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