Chapter 13 - The Abominate

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It's 2:30 in the noon Kartik's dad's friend have arrived with his brother inspector Ajay , everybody gathers in the living area, shenaya brings tea and snacks for everyone as they begin the investigation.
"Kartik, tell me how you, Shehnaaz and Sidharth know each other?"
- "Sidharth is my best friend since school days we went college together and when we were in our 2nd year of degree Shehnaaz took admission for her 11th grade, and for the annual day's preparations we saw her , then she became our friend and by the end of the year we became best friends and then in my last year of college that was my 3rd year of degree me and Shehnaaz started dating and Sidharth was the one who spoke to Shehnaaz's mom for our marriage"
"Then it can't be Sidharth who kidnapped her... Hmm... Your dad said that she got disappeared and you all found her after 7 years , how did you found her and where?"
-"I got a call from her "
"You're her sister Shenaya right? Tell me in details"
- "She called me from a hospital I was confused and I was extremely shock , once
I got her home we realize she don't remember her past 7 years "
"How did Sidharth came into picture and from where they got disappeared?"
-"Sidharth doesn't live in India, he runs his business in Canada , I mailed him about Shehnaaz and he came here to attend our wedding " Kartik replies. " We take Shehnaaz to psychiatrist and that day Sidharth came along with us. I had to reach somewhere urgently and so did Kartik .. so we asked Sidharth to get her home once her session gets over, Kartik also handed him his car keys but we found the car keys at Doctor's place" Shenaya continued.
" Hmm .... We must go to the hospital first to investigate how Shehnaaz got there"
- "I went to the hospital but they didn't shared any details, all I got to know was she was admitted there for 2 days in a VIP ward and her bills were paid too" Shehnaaz's mom tells the inspector .
"VIP ward.. hmm .."
-" In her last session she also mentioned a name..Shourya maybe he's the one who paid her bills " Kartik's dad said while glancing at Kartik but Kartik ignores it .
"Yes, Yes that's possible.. it means she would only remember one name from her last 7 years .. that means she was close to him.. we must find Shourya" .

After a short drive Shehnaaz's mom, Shenaya, Kartik and inspector pulled up infront of Apollo hospital. Inspector Ajay and others enters the hospital , inspector shows his ID to the receptionist as he says "We just want to know few details about a patient who was admitted here few days ago".
-"Sorry sir, we cannot reveal our patients details it's against our hospital rules "
"Listen it's very important I just want to know who admitted her... ". " Is there any problem ?" Inspector gets interrupted by the man who's wearing the managers batch, inspector Ajay shows him his ID too as he says " we just want to know some details about a patient"
" Sorry sir we cannot reveal such details"
-"Look the girl who was admitted in your hospital was missing for 7 years, no one knew if she was alive or death and her family found her from your hospital , we need to know with whom she was ,they can also be criminals so if you'll won't cooperate with us, we'll file a case against you're hospital" The managers nodded and lead them to his office. " Maybe I can give you few details " the manager said . As everybody take their seats the managers ask for the patients name ,
"Shehnaaz Gill" inspector replied.
- "Yes she was bought here on 15 July 11:30 pm...(while reading the detail on his computer his face expressions turn in terror) Sir I can't tell you about this patient please , I can give you some other patients details but not this please , sir if anyone comes to know I'll lose my job sir "
"Why ... What... Is it.. look it's very important and I promise no one will know .. please you're saving someone's life by helping us please tell us whatever you know .... please" inspector request , " I know the HOD is involved that's why you're denying.. please trust us , it's very important she's my daughter please" Shehnaaz's mom begs. The manager hesitates before speaking ." It was a car accident case, She was brought here by a local women, the local women said her car met with an accident and our hospital was the nearest one , after admitting her ,our ward boy was taking all her belongings to the locker room and then her phone started ringing.. her phone's screen was damaged and some how the ward boy answered it and he told the person about the patient and after an hour , our hospital HOD came running and he was asking for her, he started shouting at us 'move her to the super deluxe before they come fast !' and as we shifted her our HOD rushed to the reception and he told our staff to leave the reception area for a while ,we all knew it was for her "
"Do you know her visitor name?
- "No sir, but.... The bills were paid by Jay
.. Jay Bhanushali , so he might be one of them "
"Them? How many visitors she had?
-"They were three , two men and a woman"
"Oh, can you tell us how he paid the bill? "
-"Bank transaction , from Bank of America corp."
"Bank of America?"
-"Yes, that's all I can tell you... Hope it helps"
"Thank you for your help" , inspector and others leaves the manager's office,
" We cannot jump on conclusion yet , I think we must enquire around the doctor's house tomorrow, maybe we'll get a clue " inspector suggests . And they head back to their homes.

where the heart belongs.. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon