Cheatin' Death

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Its been a few days since my suspension got dished out to me. And in those few days, I weaseled my way out of it! Ahah! Take that, Big Man Yagoo! Ya see, I was able do this by bein' on good behavior as well as a good word from Kiara. Which, admittedly, I may have tugged at her strings a bit so she could help. But, I di repay her by goin' out into town with her. And that was fun.

Today was the day I could finally get to do a collab with one of the girls. And that girl was none other than Momma Reaper herself, Calli. The plan was simple. Meet up midday to talk about what to do, select what we want to do and finally, carry along with said plan. Only thing was, that was an hour ago and Calli and called out so we had to come up with one on the spot. We agreed a nice lil' friendly game of Multiplayer Modded Skyrim. Oh boy will this be somethin'.

So in light of the sudden change of pace, I was in my studio with my team, figurin' rout how to get Skyrim Modded as well as check all equipment is setup. Meanwhile, Calli was with her team at her place, doin' whatever that she said she was busy with. She actually pretty vague on what she had to do exactly, come to think of it. Ah well.

As I continued focusin' on my stream equipment, my studio manager got a call and stepped out for a bit. Returnin' shortly after, they poked their head inside.

"Uhm...(Y/N)? Its for you."

"Real shit?"

Whippin' my head to 'em, I strutted up to 'em and took the phone before speakin' into it.

"Mafioso Incorporated. You hire, we fire!"


"Woah! First name basis already? Sheesh, ease up a bit, Reaper Mommy."

I could hear Calli audibly groan as I snickered before she took a deep breath.

"I need help at my place! I thought I had an issue under control but-!"

Before Calli could finish her sentence, she let out a ear ringin' yell as I pulled away the phone from my face. Thinkin' the worst, I yelled into the thing.

"Calli! I'm headin' over! Just send this the address!"

Hangin' up, I waited for about 10 seconds before a message came through showin' Calli's address. Which, didn't really come off as much of a surprise when it hit me exactly where it was. Especially since I would be able to pay someone close a visit...

It's been 15 minutes since I left the office in a cab and went over to Calli's address. And when I said I could pay someone a visit, it was goin' to be more like pay respect. Hoppin' out the cab and tossin' the guy his money, I looked at the familiar tall gates in front of a church with a large cemetery field behind said church. Yep. Calli's address was a literal graveyard.

Walkin' into the field, I began to look around before takin' a moment to remember somethin'. Walkin' west for a lil', I came across a large amount of old tombstones before stoppin' in front of one. One it read "Ivan Sutherland (L/N). Father and Husband. Friend to all." Seein' the thing made me just watch on for a bit as I remembered that day...

The sunny sky was contrastin' the mood of everyone standin' in front of Dad's closed coffin as it began to lower. Everyone was sobbin' hysterically or to themselves but, not me. I didn't shed a damn tear. Why? Cus' I schemin' like I always do. Schemin' on how to get revenge. And seein' how dad left me the money? It wouldn't be hard at all...

Snappin' back to reality, I was greeted by a winded Calli stumblin' up to me. Her hair was a mess and her usual dress was now replaced by a pair of pink sweats and a black t-shirt with her lil' mascot on the front. The only thing that hadn't remained were her tiara and the fact her scythe was still very much present with her in the form of it bein' strapped to her back.

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