Chapter Twenty Two

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Sorry for any grammar errors!! But enjoy and more to come! Also it's not that long of  a chapter- I didn't want to leave you guys hanging so I guess this is better then nothing?


Cultchie- Person From Rural Ireland.
Goonies- Gang, Clique; Your People.

Niall POV

I heard the gunshot in the distance meaning Harper did it. My baby did it. I ran towards the car holding on to my stomach that was still bleeding. I opened the door in search for any sort of gun in Johnny's car. I took one sneak look at the dead body.

Holy shit she shot his forehead maybe she is Wilmur after all.

I dug around Johnny's glove capartmenrt and found a revolver- just what I needed. I duck behind his car and slowly krept my way towards the other car that Johnny's med was in. I leaned against there car door I looked down at my body- my use to be white shirt now permentaly stained red. The thougbt of them hurting made my rage to increase.

My hands start to shake a bit and I tried to control my breathing. I got up snatched open their car door. Without hesitation I shot one guy in the driver seat in the chest the other on the side of his head. Their whole dash now splattered with blood. I looked around to see if there was any other cars around.

I need to find Harper now.

I ran towards the university entrance everyone gave me weird looks, probably because I have fucking blood all over me.

I first went into the student center and searched everywhere for her. Fuck where is she? I wiped the sweat dripping off my forehead.

I went to the building next door which was the science building.

"Harper?" I called out. There was no response.

I went into another room. Still nothing.

Then I saw something that caught my attention. There were blood marks on the floor.

I followed the blood trail lead into a closet in the back corner. I held my gun out as a precaution in case it wasn't her. I slowly crept closer- I quickly opened the door with my gun out in front. My eyes met with Harper's and I quickly drew back my gun.

I ran up to her carrying her out of the closet.

"Oh my god I found you. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

"C'mon we have to get you cleaned up."

Even though I was in pain I still carried her bridal style.

"I'm a murder Niall. I'm a damn murder."

"No you're not."

"I just- fuck I just shot someone Niall I'm a murder. My dad's left hand man by the way."

"Harper it out of self defense and your father will find someone new."

"How are you so calm?" She held my neck tighter now.

"Because it's part of the job. You get used to it."

"Don't fucking move!" Someone said from behind us.

I dropped Harper to her feet and made her stood behind me. I held my gun out ready to blow the pricks head out.

He had a gun too. I've never seen this guy before.

"Paxton?" Harper said to him.

"Harper don't worry I got him you can come home now."

Who the fuck is this Paxton guy?

"Paxton don't." Harper was now the one standing in front of me. "Please. I'm your sister.. This isn't you Paxton! I know you!"

I started to connect the dots and realized how much Harper and this Paxton kid looks alike. They both. Had brown hair and had the same facial chin.

"Mate put your gun down." I said walking towards him.

"My father wants you dead." He pointed the gun directly at me.

"Well, do it then. What are you waiting for?" I put my head on the end of his gun.

"Go on then mate fucking shoot me."

Paxton eyes shut closed. His hands were shaking. I can tell he's never done this before. I grabbed hold of his gun pulling it down towards the ground.

The last thing I heard was a loud bang and my body hitting the floor. My vision was blurry, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. I grabbed onto my shoulder that was throbbing in pain. I don't know what hurts worse, my bleeding stomach still or this damn hole in my shoulder.

"Paxton go!" Harper yelled at him. "They'll kill you, please go!"

"Not without you Harper!"

"Paxton I'm the older sibling! Please just go! If anyone sees you here Niall's gang will kill you! Please go!" She cried out.

Paxton left without even saying a word. That fucking pussy. If he was going to shoot me he should've aimed at my heart. I'm not afraid of dying and that's the cold hard truth.

"Niall hey keep your eyes open." Harper said to me. My head was in lap as she stroked my head.

"What do you want me to do?"

I held her hand reassuring her I was fine. I was actually getting use to the pain.

"Should I call the cops? An ambulance?"

"No." I muttered out. "Just call Zayn and tell him red blood has been marked.. And tell him game on."

She pulled out her phone and said exactly what I told her into the phone. She held me the whole time. The bleeding was starting to stop but I still held pressure on it just in case.

What I made Harper tell Zayn is all code. Red blood has been marked and translated to Niall has been shot. I'm known as red blood for my code name. The last bit game on meant if you see other gang members besides ours then to kill them. I could've made Harper tell Zayn about her brother but honestly I could care less about him. He chose his side and now he's the enemy. I don't care if he's Harper's younger brother- the next time I see that little shit I'll be sure to not miss my shot.

No one fucks with me and my crew.

There's God and then us- The Cultchie Goonies.

After about fifteen minutes or so Zayn finally found us.

"Shit mate what happened?"

"Just take me back to the house and clean me up."

Zayn picked me up holding onto my other arm to keep me steady. I looked back once in a while to make sure Harper was still trailing behind us. I'm in so much pain right now I can barely walk anymore but we were nearly to the house now.

"Lads a little help!" Zayn shouted out. They ran towards the front door and were surprised to see me in my state. For fucks sake what do they expect me to never be hurt?

Zayn brought to me the nearest bathroom and started to clean me up. I flinched at his cotton swab on my shoulder wound. The alcohol was making it sting like crazy.

"Who did this to you?" He asked.

"Harper's brother."

"She has a brother?"

"Yeah and he has really bad aim."

"Don't say that he could've killed you."

"Should've." He kept quiet after my comment and stitched up all my wounds. Zayn was my go to go guy if anyone got hurt. He's really crafty at sticking things up I say if he wasn't part of the crew he'd be a doctor or something.

"Does Harper know game on?" Zayn asked being cautious by using our code words.

"Nope. And I don't care next time I see him he's dead."

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