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For sure the final chapter!!!! Maybe a second book will be made in the future? Would you guys read it if I did do a second series? As always sorry for any grammar errors!


Harper POV
Six years later

"Ms. Wilmur how do feel at the moment leading your team to win the premier league?" The interviewer asked me.

"It feels good to have achieved it but I wouldn't have done it without my amazing teammates and coaches."

The room started to burst into questions again the lights of flashes coming from cameras we blinding me.

"What was more nerve wrecking preparing for your wedding tomorrow or winning today's match?"

"Tough question. I'm gonna go with the match because I have a whole city counting on us to win I suppose."

My manager grabbed the mic announced that we are out of time for anymore questions. I thanked everyone for coming and did a couple of more waves. On the way out the door I signed a few autographs for a couple of kids who were sat in the front row of the press conference.

I cannot believe it my dreams are coming true! I'm captain of the women's Liverpool team, we just won the premier league title and soon I will be a bride.

I met my fiancé Brody about three years ago and I couldn't be any happier. He's made me happy and supported me through my career. My family- there still in a mafia but they promised to leave me out of it. I haven't heard from them in years besides just recently telling them about my wedding.

Since today we won the title the team and I decided we would go out tonight as a celebration. Also it would be my bachelorette party as well.

Once I got home I was greeted by my fiancé.

"Hey baby how was the game?" He asked. I gave him a confused look.

"Weren't you at it? I thought you were coming?"

"Oh no sorry baby I got held up at work."

"But it's a Saturday Brody."

"I know I'm sorry.." He leaned in to kiss me but before our lips touched he said, "hey I really am sorry."

I kissed his lips. I don't care he couldn't make it I know his work load is a lot plus we're getting married tomorrow.

"I love you." I said to him.

"I love you. Come back in one piece tomorrow yeah?"

"Try not to get boner when the stripper gives you a lap dance."  I challenge back.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked me.

"I'll be the one in white."


The girls and I pulled up to the club and we were ready to get shit faced. I'm not usually a big drinker but to hell with it! It's my fucking last night before getting shackled down.

We all sat at on a barstool taking shots from each other. My teammate and I were talking about the game and how amazing it was to see such a great turnout. But from the corner of my eye I saw a familiar brunette hair. It was only the back of the guy's head but I know that head. I know it all to well. It couldn't be.

"Would you guys excuse me for a second. I'm going to the bathroom."

I walked to the other side of the room and tapped the guy on the shoulder. He turned around and to my disappointment it wasn't the guy I was hoping it to be.

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