Chapter Twenty Six

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This is the last chapter :( I've had such a fun experience writing this short story but I've got a new one I'm working on called 'The Assistant'. Also massive massive thank you to anyone who came to read my story from TikTok!! This experience has been insane and for sure an eye opener for me. I love you all.

Be on the look out for the new book- I'll update ya.


Niall POV

It's been a week now and I've been coming in everyday after my classes and football to see Harper. Still no luck on her waking up. Everything I felt- everything I remembered feels the same. I love her. I don't care who she is or if her father wants to kill me. I'd do anything for her as long as she's happy. Because one things for sure if she's happy then I'm happy. I held her hand squeezing it a bit just in case she thinks she's alone. I know when she wakes up she won't remember anything because well it was all a dream. Well I think it was a dream.

I felt my lids start to close a bit from being so exhausted from practice. I held onto Harper's hand and quietly listened to her heart monitor machine beep every so often. I rest my head on the hospital bed and drifted off into sleep.



"Niall.." I felt someone poking my head.


I opened my eyes and sprung up. I looked around the room and the clock read three am. Shit. But then I realized someone woke me. I turned to the bed and there was my girl. She's awake.

"Oh my god!" I whispered yelled.

"You're awake! You're awake? I gotta go get a nurse!"

"Wait no don't." She reached for me to go near her.

"Harper you're scaring me."

"I remember."

"Remember what? That you fell and-"

"No.. Niall I remember it all."

The hairs on my arm went up into flames from being so shocked. Okay now I'm spooked.

"How? How is it possible?"

"I don't know. I just remember everything it was like I was never here in this bed."

"I missed you so much Harp." I kissed her hand and she gave me a shy smile.

"I told you to run and never see me again Niall."

"I know. I decided to take the hard path and be with you instead."

"No you need to leave. Damn it Niall! Don't you get it!? If you stay with me we both don't get what we want!"

"What the hell are you talking about!? We have each other Harper that's all that matters!"

She let go of my hand.

"No! I want to be a footballer. You need to go find yourself and become something better then you are now."

"I'm better with you baby. I thought- I thought you love me."

"I do."

I sat down in the chair next to her rubbing my forehead.

"Then why won't you be with me? Let me take the hits for you."


"How can you be so selfish!? I'm literally wanting to risk it all for you!"

"You don't think I want you Niall!? I want you! But we can't work. It won't work and I'm not willing to risk everything for you. Not now, not ever."

"Then I'll never love again." I whispered out. My whole body felt sad. I'm sad that the love of my life is pushing me away.

"Don't say that."

"I'm serious."

"Niall listen to me.. One day you're gonna find someone who will love you more then I ever could. She's going to be your world. I know right now it's hard to understand why I can't be with you. But maybe in  another life yes we are meant to be.. But baby not in this lifetime. I'm so sorry that things had to be this way. But you're gonna move the fuck out of Manchester and find something you're passionate about. Don't let someone like me ruin you- I'm not worth it."

I wiped away my tears. I can't even look at Harper right now.

"I'll always love you Niall."

I saw her brown eyes full of tears. This is what love is. Love is about making sacrifices. Sometimes showing someone you love them means letting them go. Because at the end of the day weather or not you agree with their decision- all you want to do is see your partner happy. I know Harper is right. Her and I would be fighting battles everyday and neither of us deserve that. I love her and that's why I'm gonna let her go. It pains me to do it but I guess if this is what she wants and I want her to achieve her dreams so she can live a better life.. Then I'm willing to let her go.

"I'll always love you too."

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