Chapter Nineteen

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Update! Update!

Thank you so much for reading!
-Lyla Xx

Harper POV

I woke up as I felt the warmth of the sun hitting my face. I turned my body and was face palmed with someone's chest. This definitely woke me up now. I got up from the bed and looked around confused. How did I get here? Where the hell am I? I examined the room to see the same Ireland flag I've seen before along with the all to familiar guitar on the floor. Beside me was a sleepy Niall- I don't remember getting out of the car.

"Niall?" I poked his cheek.

"Huh?" He said face still deep inside his pillow.

"How did I get here?"

"I carried you to bed. When Louis arrived you were out cold. I even cleaned you up as well, no more blood."

I looked down at my arm and sure enough I was perfectly clean- no maxi pad in sight.

"Thank you I guess."

I didn't know what to do at this point. I'm terrified. How could I possibly trust Niall he wanted to kill me! I'm in love with my killer.

It's so sad to see how when you think you know someone but you don't at all. I really thought Niall was the one. I mean I overlooked his past and what his family and yet this is what I get. I get the feeling of fear. I've seen a lot of shit in the past month but seeing Niall right now makes my stomach turn the most.

I slowly creep away from him getting off the bed and sat on his desk chair he had in his room.

"Harper what are you doing?" Niall asked me. "Come here baby I missed you." He opened up his arm for me to cuddle him.

I stared at him blankly and watch as his arms went to his side and saw his smile disappear.

"You wanted me dead." I mumbled out.

"What? Can you speak up."

"YOU WANTED ME DEAD!" I yelled this time getting up from my seat and pushed Niall hard enough to fall back on the bed.

"Harper I can explain please just-"

"Just what Niall!? Pretend that everything is okay? You expect me to come back to you like everything is normal. Nothing about this is normal Niall!"

"I thought you knew who we were! I soon realized you had no idea, damn it Harper I fell in love with you!" He tried to grab my hand.

"Don't." I backed away from Niall's touch. "You never loved me- you should've told me the truth."

"I was going to, I really was going to Harp I swear. Look I'm sorry okay?"

"How can you even look at me right now?"

"Harper I really am sorry."

I crossed my arms and walked around in his room contiplainting if I should forgive him.

"You know what- if you think I'm going to be some fucking hero and beg for your forgives then you might as well be dead! Because that's not me Harper! I've been through hell this month looking for you day in and day out! It's just my fucking luck that I couldn't be the one to save you."

"You looked for me?" I questioned. When Johnny took me away I didn't see Niall try to get me or anything I just thought he left me.

"Of course I looked for you. Do you not see the bags under my eyes?"

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