Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry this chapter is so short!! I have a super long one in the works!! Will be coming out soon :) sorry for any grammar errors.

Harper POV

I woke up with a massive headache. My eyes adjusted to the bright lights that were close to my face. Shit! Where the fuck am I? I tried to scream but my mouth had duck tape on them. I looked down at my body and I was chained up onto a wooden chair. I tried shuffling but failed only tipping myself over.

"Harper, Harper.. Harper Wilmur." The man touched my cheek and squeezed it a bit. I immediately know who he is. Johnny. The sight of him made the memeotied of him cutting come all rushing in.

"Don't cry now."

I didn't even know I was crying.

He slipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a pocket knife. The knife flicked out as he slowly grazed the knife along my cheek. He cut the duck tape and roughly put me back into the sitting position.

"Scream and I'll kill you."

I spat in his face. Johnny gave me a savage look and back hand slapped me.

"I can see why Niall is fond of you."

"We're not together anymore." I replied back to him.

"Really? So if I called him right now he wouldn't come and save you?"


I'm actually convinced Niall wouldn't come. He said so himself I would mean nothing to him.

"You have two options my love. Since I'm being nice tonight. One, you be my spy on his group- everyday we meet and you update me on all of their plans. Or two I myself bring you to Niall and kill you in the middle of town. Which would you like?"

"Never, would I ever work for you." I said angerly.

"It's funny how you say you and Niall are over. Seems to me you're still in love with him."

He could see right through me.

"No, I don't care about him. So do what you want." I said coldly.

"Alright let's have some fun then yeah?" He grabbed my phone from HIS pocket.

He put the phone up to my face unlocking it. Stupid face recognition.

The phone was on speaker now ringing.

"Harper? Thank god you called. I've been trying to call ya all morning. Yesterday was a mistake-"

"I'm sorry Harper can't come to the phone right now."


"Hello old friend."

"Where is she!?"

"Oh she's right here not to worry."

I came to senses and started screaming for Niall to help me, "Niall! I don't know where I am! Niall please I'm so scared!"

Johnny slapped me again keeping me quiet.

"Harper!? Harper!"

"I've never seen this before, especially with big bad Niall Horan. The only thing that holds you back from being your true self is your love for this one girl. Such a pity."

"If you do anything to her I swear to god I will kill you myself. Do you fucking hear me!?"

"Meet me today on Elm street tonight and we'll negotiate."

Shit hold on Niall said all morning that means it's Thursday it's our championship game today.

"If Harper isn't at our game today people will get suspicious."

It's like Niall can read my mind.

"Alright I'll drop her off at the game. But she comes with me right after. If anything should happen I will kill everyone in that fucking stadium. All my men will be there so no funny business."


I knew Niall was going to come up with some kind of plan but I this is insane we can't risk innocent lives. Children come to our matches.

Johnny ended the call and stood me back up by pulling my shoulder.

"Innocent lives of the people in the stadium are in your hands. Your teammates, coaches, and students. Do anything to try and make a run from me after your match I will blow the damn place up. You're free to go."

He let me loose and pushed me out the door. The first thing I see is I'm in the middle of an alleyway. I have no idea where I'm at.

I recalled Niall on my phone.

"Johnny I told you it's a deal!"

"Niall it's me. He let me go."

"Baby where are you?"

"I don't know. But I'm really scared."

"Okay listen to me what do you see?"

"I'm in a alley way. There's a place called Old Shub Cafe."

"Hang on I know where you're at. Don't hang up on me okay?"

"Okay... And Niall."


"I'm sorry."

"I know you are baby."

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