Chapter 15 Sorting Ceremony

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(A/N - I don't know how many places in the other parts I have mentioned Sierra's mother was a Gryffindor but I'm changing that now. Please ignore that)

“Albus! You're going to drown all of us....stop moving!” cried out Sierra. Albus was not happy with the boat ride and was feeling like the boat would flip over any minute. He was continuously making movements and fidgeting uncomfortably. Sierra was sitting in the front and both they boys were at the back.

“This is kinda scary and I don't travel by a boat everyday!” said Albus nervously. Sierra turned her head to look at him with annoyed, squinted eyes.

“Its just a boat ride......I know you don't travel by boat everyday but neither do we” she said gesturing at Scorpius and herself.

“Calm down you both....we're almost there” said Scorpius who was also kind of annoyed by Albus' nervous movements.

After a few minutes they were standing in front of the Hogwarts castle. Sierra was mesmerized by its beauty. It just looked like the way Harry described even more beautiful indeed. Soon the group of freshmen were escorted in the the castle where they were asked to wait. After a minute or two Professor Neville Longbottom came and stood in front of the little too excited freshmen.

“A very warm welcome to Hogwarts......soon you will be sorted into your houses...they are Hufflepuff” he said looking at Sierra “Ravenclaw” he said looking at a black haired boy who looked somewhat like a Chinese “Slytherin” he said looking specifically at Scorpius who exchanged a look with Sierra and then with pride and a smile on his lips “Gryffindor” he said, looking at Albus who swallowed hard and was looking nervous and if defined more prominently, scared. Sierra knew that he feared ending up in Slytherin just like Harry did.

“No need to be afraid....” she whispered in his ears. Albus gave her a look of how-did-you-know but eventually nodded at her.

Soon the doors of the great hall opened and the sight was beautiful. Some were walking looking up at the enchanted sky, some looking nervously at the senior students.

“Is that really...” Sierra began to say she was looking upwards in wow.

“ a spell, yes” said Scorpius completing her sentence.

The other students in the hall were whispering about Harry Potter's younger son being here and Cedric Diggory's daughter in Hogwarts.

“Hey wait is that Harry Potter's younger son Albus Severus Potter?”

“Yes it's him  and oh Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley's daughter is also here and oh oh Malfoy too”

“Merlin's beard!!!”

“Hey did no one notice!!? Do you see that girl? That is Cedric Diggory and Lyra Black's daughter and Harry Potter's Goddaughter”

“Diggory? My Merlin! I think she would end up in Slytherin like her mother”

“No she would be a Hufflepuff! Just like her father”

The whole great hall's air was filled with these kind of talks.
Finally the Sorting hat began to sing it's song. Sierra kind off like the song but probably not the voice of the sorting hat. To her it felt like a voice of a happy clown in a circus but however appreciated it.

Soon after the song, Professor Longbottom stood up beside the stool with the sorting hat in one hand and a long parchment in the other.
And began to call out the names.

As the sorting hat began to talk while sorting some of the students it gave shivers to Albus. Sierra was getting goosebumps and Scorpius was just a little nervous.

Sierra - A Diggory (Cedric Diggory's daughter) X Albus Severus PotterWhere stories live. Discover now