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Chapter Chittaphon

After Taeyong was scolded by his mom, his mother went back to China immediately. And he took the chance to have a week off from performing arts school, focusing on online medicine lectures.

It's like a private tutor, he can do it any time he wants. He wanted to adjust and get used to the routine which he succeeded doing.

It's Monday and he planned to come back to attend performing arts.

"Your mom is so cruel!" Yangyang whined while pouting, feeling bad for his hyung. "Why did they even sent you here if they want you to be doctor?"

Taeyong just chuckled and messed up the younger's hair. "You don't have to feel bad for me. You know I'm used to this, and I'll eventually succeed."

Ten, who seating across them, rolled his eyes. "Being a doctor and an idol? Who does that?" He asked.

The red haired guy shook his head, "I just have to know and study about medicine, then graduate so I'll have the rights to take over the hospital." He knows his parents only needed his name as the heir.

"So, you don't have to be a doctor who got so many duties after you graduate?" Yangyang asked. Taeyong nodded to assure the two, "Yup, will focus on being an idol- if I'll debut. Mom could still take care of the hospital- she said she'll handle it until she can't walk- as she said."

The two just nodded back. It's not like they could change Taeyong's fate anyway.

"But this isn't your dream, right?" Ten asked softly, Taeyong chuckled to ease the tension— "But this is my comfort zone, performing makes me happy."

I never had the chance to have a dream anyway.

Yangyang suddenly remembered why he's studying at this school. He hates studying usual subjects and going to college feels like hell for him, so he dropped out from highschool and took this path instead. Fell in love with rapping, and now his dream is to debut. He's only 16 so he's still exploring.

While Ten used to be part of the dance troupe in highschool, he was told by their dance instructor that he got potential to be an idol. He started watching and stanning idols since then that inspired him, after finishing highschool— he straightly went to APA to fulfill his dream- and become an idol.

They both know that Taeyong's different, but they all have one goal anyway.


Ten's eyes automatically rolled upwards when they heard the voice. Taeyong immediately turned around to see that was— and he saw Jaehyun running towards them.

"Hey, where were you? I haven't seen you the whole week." Jaehyun asked as soon as he got to stand in front of the three. "I also heard you moved out from the dorms, is there a problem?"

Taeyong doesn't know what to feel. The younger looks worried or concerned, which he didn't expect. The last time they talk, he acted like an asshole with his friends.

Yangyang went to sit beside Ten, "But Jaehyun was happy the whole week knowing Taeyong, his rival, wasn't around." he whispered to the Thai.

Ten nodded. He witnessed how Jaehyun was so comfortable and happy, as if he's having the best time of his life.

Well, in Jaehyun's side— it's actually true. Jaehyun felt relieved the whole week, knowing he got nothing to worry about. He was happy, so damn happy.

But as soon as he saw Taeyong, the guilt risen.

He felt bad for being happy, what if something happened again? What if he got framed up again and he got suspended? He overthinks about it for a second as soon as he saw the red haired guy.

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