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Chapter One

It's a new school year, everyone's excited? No, maybe a few. Unlike the other schools, Academy of Performing Arts isn't separated by grade levels based by the student's age. It's based on their skills, even though how young you are- as long as you're skilled.. you'll be at the top. Exactly after four years, you may graduate no matter what your rank is- you could stay if you want to.


Higher ranks:
Leader (1)
Diamonds (13)
Pro (20)
Lower ranks:

Higher ranks got limited members, especially the leader- which is just one. Diamonds got 13 members, Pro got 20. The lower ranks members are unlimited. Ranks are based on the general average.

Ranks average:

Higher ranks:
Leader (98% and above)
Diamonds (90% - 97%)
Pro (81% - 89%)
Lower ranks:
Platinum (76% - 80%)
Gold (71% - 75%)
Silver (66% - 70%)
Bronze (65% & below)

Lee Taeyong arrived at the academy 20 minutes earlier than the required time. He can't help but to smirk as he walk inside, of course, he's attracting attention every step he make.

Aside from being the leader, his red hair is really a head turner.

Not so far from him, he saw his dearest best friend- Chittaphon, or more known as Ten, a Diamond member in his second year. "Had a great morning huh, Mr. Red hair?" Ten asked- or teased as soon as Taeyong approached him.

"I always have a great morning," He smiled widely, making his friend smile too. "What a contagious smile." All Ten could say. They started walking side by side, with no exact destination.

They just both stopped when a guy suddenly appeared in front of them, facing the floor as if he's shy. Taeyong glanced at the boys' tag, Park Jisung - Gold. From the lower ranks, but the red hair guy still raised the corner of his lips.

"Do you need anything?" the older asked with a soft voice, it made the younger blush a little. After a second, Jisung held up both of his hands- which is holding a box. "I..I r-really admire you, h-hyung. You're already l-like an i-idol to m-me,"

Taeyong accepted the gift, it's a chocolate. "Thanks," he brushed of the boy's hair with his fingers. "I'm not really worthy but I hope I inspire you," Jisung blushed and nodded quickly. Without saying anything, he just ran off.

"Wow, someone appreciates your talent." Ten's mouth fell open just because of the scene he witnessed.

Taeyong became the leader last year, which is his first year, because of his undeniable skills. However, no one acknowledged that. All he receives is hate and judgement. No one thinks he deserved the spot. Especially that he's always in trouble.

All the students who became the leaders are either in their 4th year already, but Taeyong? Taeyong managed to be on top on his first year.

"Let's just go," he shrugged off Ten's words and march along.

First day means orientation day per subject, not an official regular class yet. Yangyang, a Diamond member, welcomed the two inside the dance studio of the higher ranks. "Hi," he half-smiled.

"Oh, you're alone? Why're you so early anyway?" Ten asked as soon as he sat at the opposite side of Yangyang. Taeyong went to the speakers and plugged his phone. "Guess," Yangyang grinned that made the older roll his eyes.

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