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Chapter Twelve

Sunday morning and Jaehyun's having the worst time of his life, waking up.

It was already 11am, Johnny's nowhere to be found inside their room. He doesn't care anyway, that man is old enough to handle himself.

He took a quick shower before deciding to go to the cafeteria, it's not the first time he's having a brunch. Literally every weekend- brunch & exercise are his only schedule.

He was just in front of the elevator, waiting with his phone on his hands. As soon as the elevator door opened up, he ground his jaw.

There's Taeyong, standing, who looks shock seeing him too.

Taeyong looked away first and went out of the small space, he's about to walk passed the younger but Jaehyun was quick enough to grab his arm.

To be honest, Jaehyun wasn't sure why he did that. He doesn't have the reason to, he doesn't have the rights to. But he still did, "Taeyong.."

The older sighed before facing him, "Yeah?"

Jaehyun didn't expect him to be so casual. Doesn't he know that I was the one who framed him up? He's smart, he definitely knows I did it. He sighed too.

"Why.. are you here?" Jaehyun asked instead.

Taeyong, deep inside, wants to roll his eyes. Why is Jaehyun so audacious after everything? Is he that desperate for the spot? Taeyong just wanted to be back as "enemies" again instead of faking shits. Jaehyun avoided him for the whole week and now he's approaching him again? As if he didn't avoided him?

He's just regretting what happened on the first week of school. Crying, opening up, and receiving a hug from him is probably the reason why this is all happening. Is he wrong though?

"Just visiting my friends," Taeyong shrugged, he removed the younger's hand on his arm before walking away.

Jaehyun was left alone. He just wanted to go back to his room and scream at himself, which he actually did. He went back just to reflect on things he've done.

He's mad.

He's mad that Taeyong isn't mad at him.

He's too guilty, and he's starting to be afraid. Afraid that he's hurting Taeyong. He witnessed him cry once, what if he cries again and he's the reason now?

What ifs.

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked as soon as he got inside- seeing his friend who looks so stressed. Jaehyun sighed, he sat at his own bed and palmed his face.

"Dude.." he whispered. "Why do I keep doing things I'll just regret after?"

Johnny clicked his tongue and sat beside him, "Bro, it's your pride." He sincerely answered.

"You already like him, but your pride is telling you that you don't." Johnny added.

Johnny's aware about what's happening to his friend, he was a witness when Jaehyun keeps having sleepless nights, he was there with him. He felt him.

Jaehyun sighed, again. At this point, he just keeps on having heavy breathings. "But I got a dream— a goal that I want to fulfill." he answered.

"And so? Taeyong has too. We all have have."

"But dude, you know my dream will have to make me compete against Taeyong— he's my rival for pete's sake." He tried to explain, hoping Johnny would understand.

"Taeyong is a good guy, you dumbass." Both of them looked up and saw Yuta on the door. "Being on the top is not what he always wanted, remember he even gave up the position for you?"

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