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Chapter Twenty

Taeyong was busy the whole day, so avoiding his friends wasn't his intention. His last class ended by 3:48pm and he decided to meet with them.

"Yuta!" he called the Japanese boy when he saw him alone inside a dance studio, "Oh, Taeyong? Do you need anything?" Asked by Yuta. "Have you seen Yangyang? Or Ten? They're not answering their phones."

The blonde guy slowly nodded his head, "Yangyang got a class, as far as I know he's with Lucas. While Chittaphon's at the dorm, I'm not sure but I know he's running away from Johnny."

Taeyong uttered a simple thanks before he bid his goodbye. He just decided to visit the dorms and see how Ten is doing, he can't blame him- the Thai literally did a lap dance when he was drunk.

"Ten?" the red haired guy knock twice, seconds after when the younger opened the door and immediately pulled him inside. Taeyong gave him a confused look, "You look like a drug dealer hiding from a police.

Of course Ten frowned, "Just sit down and tell me what happened last Friday." the younger grinned to tease him but Taeyong was quick-witted to know that Ten's trying to avoid talking about himself.

Taeyong sat down on Yangyang's bed while facing the younger, "How long are you planning to avoid Johnny? It's been already a week." he asked directly.

Ten pouted, "I'm still ashamed of what I did, ok? Even though he says it's fine- I feel.. I don't know! We hated each other since we met- just like you and Jaehyun!"

The red haired guy can't help but to laugh when he saw how frustrated his friend is, "But Jaehyun and I ended up friends, why can't you too?"

Ten quickly shook his head, "But you eventually fell in love, which I'm afraid of too."

Taeyong choked on his own saliva cause of what he heard, "I don't love him! Just.. like, attracted, admire, and such." he corrected with a speed of light. "Yeah, yeah, sure whatever. But you get my point, right?" the older nodded.

"However, you should also know that there are certain person who's just friends and who's not. Like me and Yangyang, treat Johnny the way you treat us." He genuinely advised. Ten's shoulder both dropped as he frowned, "You don't get my point.."

"To explain it easier.. I mean.. it's not impossible for me to like Johnny.."

Taeyong froze, he's not sure if he understands it right but-- "Are you already at the middle of falling in love with him?" He asked to be sure. "But before the wasted night, you hated him with all your blood.."

Ten suddenly groaned and buried his face on to the nearest pillow. "You think I'll dance on his lap just because I was drunk? Out of seven men with me and I chose him for nothing? Am I not obvious enough?" He cried.

The red haired guy panicked a little, he doesn't know how to comfort him so he just stared at his ugly crying face. "How.. long have you been liking him?" he asked instead.

The Thai sat up properly and fixed his face, "It was last school year, he was my first kiss. But it was an accident! Though you know how much I hated him so much, yet my feelings.. only grew deeper." He pouted.

Taeyong sighed, "I still don't get why you have to avoid him, there's a chance that he can like you too."

"Don't give me false hopes, God!" Ten whined and glared the older. "Anyway! Let's stop talking about this, tell me what happened last Friday!"

The red haired guy blushed cause of the memory that flashed through his mind. The younger noticed it and immediately grinned, "So, something happened huh? Spill!"

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