Chapter 17

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Today was Valentines Day. I always dreamed of going on a date tonight in the City if Love, but I wasn't.

Jenna was coming over early so I could help her get ready for tonight.

"Curly or straight." She said pulling out a curling iron and a straightener.

"Straight because you don't want your hair to take away from your dress." I said.

"So true." She smiled.

"Do you know what he has planned?" I asked.

"No, but he said he had a big suprise." She started straightening her hair.

I did her makeup and sat on the couch while she put her dress on.

She stepped out of the bedroom and spun around. There was a knock on the door and I stood up to get. When I opened it I saw Niall in a tux holding a bouquet of roses.

"Is she here?" He asked excitedly.

"No, she went out with Zayn." He rolled his eyes and pushed through the door. His mouth dropped to the floor when he saw Jenna and to be honest, I expected nothing less.

"Babe, you look absolutely beautiful." She blushed at his compliment and walked over to him.

He handed her the roses and then gave her a big kiss.

"Picture time!" I squealed.

"Your like my mum." Niall face palmed and I laughed.

"Your like my mum." I mimicked him in his Irish accent.

I took the picture and they walked out the door.

If anyone found out I was spending Valentines Day alone, they would think I was insane. What they don't understand is the person I love most isn't here. I plopped down on the couch just as someone knocked on the door.

"Louis?" He smiled and handed me a box of chocolates.

"Hello Morgan." He stepped through the door and looked around my apartment.

"Why are you here?" I laughed

"Eleanor couldn't come to Paris this weekend so I'm alone. I remembered you were in the same boat I was and decided to come over." He smiled and started opening cabinets in my kitchen.

"What are you looking for?"

"Food. I am going to make you a gourmet meal for the special occasion."

I went back over to the couch and turned on the TV, hoping my "gourmet meal" would be ready soon. That's when Louis yelled.

"Dinner is served."

"Wow. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Your some chef." He laughed and we took our seats across from each other at my small kitchen table.

"So what's new." Louis asked. He already knew everything about me and so did the other boys. Niall told them I presumed.

"Nothing much I got an apartment." I waved my hand around.

"I can see that," He laughed. "How did you find it?"

"Harry took me." I looked down at my plate and played with my sandwich. We sat there for five minutes without talking.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I looked up at him as water filled my eyes.

I shook my head as the tears began to fall. I buried my head in my hands as Louis got up from his chair and wrapped his arms around me.

"I miss him so much Lou," I spoke into his chest. "I don't get why the police haven't found him yet, I mean he's Harry Styles for God sake."

"I think you need to sit down for this one." He said placing me back in the chair. He squatted so he was eye level with me and began to talk.

"Before Harry went with Alain, he left us a note to tell management he wanted to go on a vacation-"

"What happens when they found out he's dead?" I asked.

"He quit. He quit the band so they won't look for him."

I stood up.

"Why would he do that? He could've been saved! Alain needs to go to jail! Why would he do something like that?" I yelled.

"He's protecting you. Alain said if anyone found out he would come after you." I was completely furious.

I ran to the door but Louis stepped in front of me.

"You can't tell them Morgan. I know this is hard for you but if you tell them, you'll be in danger and so will the boys and I. Please just don't do it."

I sighed and immediately felt like I was going to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom and started to vomit in the toilet.

I felt someone grab my hair and knew it was Louis. After I was done I wiped my face and flushed the toilet. I tried to stand up but immediately fell.

"I can't eat anything without throwing up. I haven't had my-" No way.

"You haven't had your what?" Louis asked.

"But it's been five months."

Louis ran a hand over his face.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"I-I think I'm pregnant." His eyes widened when I spoke.

"Shouldn't you like be showing or something?" He was as confused as I was.

"Well I don't know. I haven't had my period in five months though. I'm super late."

"Isn't there like a test you take or something?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I stood up and opened my cabinet.

I grabbed a stick, pushed Louis out the door, peed on it and waited.

I paced around my bathroom floor until the sign showed.


"Louis?" I called.

He whipped the door open and grabbed the stick from my hand.

"Congrats?" He smiled.

"I need to go to the doctors to make sure the baby is okay." I pushed past him and grabbed my coat. I was about to open the door but Louis opened it for me.

"I'm coming with you." He said and I smiled.

"Morg?" He asked as we approached the elevator.

"Yeah?" We stepped inside and I pressed the button to the lobby.

"Is it Harry's?" I turn to look at him.


Harry was with Morgan a lot!! Just to make that clear. I also never felt the need to put an intimate scene in because I thought it would make her announcement more of a surprise!!

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